
Part 1: Ivory Coast on the 'brink of genocide'. Part 2: 'No Anorexia' model dies

| Thursday, 12 Dec. 2010 | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT

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<img alt="" src="http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/img/isabelle_caro.jpg" width="304" height="171" class="mt-image-left" style="margin: 0 20px 5px 0;" /><p style="width:304px;font-size: 11px; color: rgb(102, 102, 102);"> </p></div>Isabelle Caro, the model who once described herself as an <a href="http://jezebel.com/5720702/isabelle-caro-anorexic-model-dead-at-28">'Ambassador for anorexia' </a><a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/12/30/france.model.death/">has died</a>.

Ms Caro led a high profile campaign against anorexia when she posed nude for an billboard ad in 2007.

<a href="http://www.examiner.com/celebrity-headlines-in-national/isabelle-caro-photos-changed-how-we-saw-models-before-and-after-wasn-t-pretty">Jodi Jill </a>describes the campaign,
<blockquote>'She was frail, her skin flaky, her teeth falling out and her hair ruined. She pointed out these flaws from the anorexia, and she knew it was the price for having a serious illness.' </blockquote>

Whilst the cause of her death has not been confirmed, the news has reopened the debate surrounding the campaign and disease.

Musa in Kenya posts on our <a href="facebook.com/worldhaveyoursay">Facebook page,</a>
<blockquote>'Only until you can walk in the shoes of another human being can you judge. Her selfless act might have saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands.'</blockquote>

But Mabvunika in Zambia feels little sympathy,
<blockquote>'This is a no brainer. I'm sorry but i refuse to have compassion for someone that has a meal but chooses not to eat it and dies because of it. I believe she made her bed. Too many people haven't the means to eat in my country for me to be compassionate about this!'</blockquote>

Ike in Abuja points the figure at the fashion industry,
<blockquote>'Clothing ads that feature very thin models should come with disclaimers like cigarette ads for example. '</blockquote>

But others like <a href="http://blogs.independent.co.uk/2010/12/30/no-anorexia-campaigner-isabelle-caro-dies-at-28/#">blogger Catherine have been touched by the news,
</a><blockquote>'I have never met Isabelle. I do not know her, I am not close to her and I only became aware of her during the uproar that ensued after 'that' campaign... It isn't that we both know what it is like to live with the illness, to know how it feels never to be thin enough, and to want to change peoples' minds and raise awareness whilst all the time being acutely aware of how hypocritical we may seem. All that is true, but that isn't why I am writing. The fact is that I don't know why. I was deeply saddened when I heard and read the news.'</blockquote>

What's your reaction to Ms Caro's public battle against anorexia and her death?

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Laurie emails A young cousin suffers from this disease. She loves children and I asked if she could see herself having them and she said, "no." She's lost hope for a future because she's aware there may be no future for her.

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    Shadrach Gbokie on facebook The UN, AU, ECOWAS and the entire international community should be held responsible for the current Ivoirian situation. Each of them is pursueing their own hidden agenda and would only support a president that is willing to bow to them. SHAME!

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    Magoola Moses Araali on faceboo Whatever intervention takes place now, Gbagbo and company have to face international prosecution for the crimes against humanity so far committed and the threatened genocide on the Northerners. We hear of arbitrary arrests and death which definitely need to go punished. Legitimate force will escalate the level of destruction and its imperative Gbagbo gives way and face International criminal justice!

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    Judith on Facebook Very sad for Isabelle Caro's family. As a former anorexic, my heart goes out to them on this preventable loss.

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    Emmanuel on Facebook African leaders are a curse to our continent, if only we had three mandelas there would be no bloodshed.

  6. Comment sent via SMS

    Some form of violence is inevitable in the ivory coast. The country is already polarised along ethnic and religeous lines. It is just a question of time. Mustapha Kawoje. Nigeria.

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    Anonymous Top fighters during the Liberian ciuil war are crossing into Ivory Coast to fight for money. A friend of mine left two weeks ago.

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    Alvin Jask - a Liberian in Minnesota I would like the world appeal to former President Bush to talk to Gbagbo to leave as he did in the Taylor case.Military intervention would be bad for my Country.

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    I’m Chris B. Konopah, Jr. From Monrovia, Liberia. Ecowas must be careful with their decision in solving the political crisis in Ivory Coast to avoid persistence violent and fear. As for Ivorian refugees, we will receive them as brothers and sisters.

  10. Comment sent via SMS

    There isn’t purpose of power sharing in the Ivory coast since that will minimise democracy& Interests of p’ple Lourent Bakbu should be removed forcefully -missing Fragment-

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    Ernst in Ghana emails Gbagbo should step down and projecting a bad image of Africa. If the people of Ivory Coast wanted him, they would have voted for him.

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    Kondwani on facebook says sometimes, because of people like Gbagbo and Mugabe i hate to being African

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    A pity because of one man’s lust for power, most Ivorians would spend the new year as refugees in other countries. May God break the hold of Gbagbo on Ivorians

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    Momodou in The Gambia I urge on all mosques and church congregations around the world to pray for the peaceful resolve of the Ivoryan political crisis.

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    Eric in Ghana on Facebook Gbagbo must learn from the good examples of Ghana where there was a peaceful handing over of power amidst a very keenly contested election.

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    Governer Felix in Kenya Isolating Gbagbo is isolating ivorians, it's time to use force.

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    Zeinab in Ghana on Facebook Gbagbo is taking cue from mugabe. if the AU had corrected that mistake Gbagbo wouldn't be in this present situation. AU rise up!

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    Ayub emails i think we should accommodate refugees in Nigeria. We have done it before, we can do it again