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29 October 2014

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Durham Cathedral cloister

Set All Free service

A service is being held at Durham Cathedral on 24 March to mark the 200th anniversary of the passing of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.

On 25 March 1807, the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act was passed and a series of events are being held around the country to mark the anniversary.

The aim of the Durham Cathedral service is to remember what happened in the past and look at what is still happening in terms of modern day slavery.

It is being organised by North East Christian Churches Together and anyone is welcome to attend.

The service will feature a series of prayers, hymns, readings and addresses.


Among the speakers are Linda Ali, a member of the Set All Free Executive, Bishop Joe Aldred, chair of the Council of Black-led Churches, and Bishop of Jarrow the Right Reverend John Pritchard, who is shortly to become Bishop of Oxford.

Chief officer for the Churches Regional Commission Paul Southgate said the service would have three themes - remember, reflect and respond.

He said: "It will be to remember what happened in the past and look at what's happening today and what's going on in our world. The responding part is to see what can we do about this, how can we continue this movement of setting people free.

"It's to link what happened 200 years ago with what's happening today."

The service will also be attended by church and civic leaders. When people arrive they will be given a special wristband to give people ideas of what they can do now.

The service is being held at Durham Cathedral at 11am on Saturday 24 March.

last updated: 14/03/07
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