"Whilst getting myself ready this morning I put on a particular piece of jewellery, my ring made in the form of a snake. I acquired the ring by swapping a blue crystal in the form of a whale with a friend. To one tribe of Native American Indians the whale represented the record keeper who'd keep records of things and remember how to use the knowledge appropriately, while the snake represented the shedding of skin and rebirth.
I felt the crystal would help my friend and the ring was right for what I needed, spiritually and personally to manifest in my life. I put the ring on the little finger of my right hand. The right hand represents your creative side, and the little finger known as mercury in palmistry represents the mind. To the ancient Romans, mercury was the communicator of messages and information from the gods to man, thus my ring represents to me a rebirth and a shedding of skin by allowing me to communicate creatively in society."