Please tell us a little about yourself.
My home is in Cardiff. I am especially interested in music, art, theatre and film, so living in Cardiff suits me well as there's lots going on. My working life has been devoted to teaching - a job which I find very rewarding.
What's your story about?
My story tries to convey the great happiness I felt at becoming a mother at last. Motherhood has been a very positive experience for me even though, as every parent knows, bringing up children can be hard work at times too. My involvement in the workshop made me think back and realise just how much fun and fulfilment children have brought into my life.
Why did you choose to tell this particular story?
It is a way of sharing my experience with others who identify with my story. Telling the story was also a very pleasant opportunity to look back over the growing-up years and to rediscover old photos and half-forgotten moments.
What did you find most rewarding about the workshop?
It was a real privilege to have the chance to work with such a dedicated and talented team who shared their expertise with us so kindly and patiently. I also enjoyed meeting the storytellers - a lovely group of people all with interesting stories to tell. I found watching everyone's finished film very moving. It made me think what a wonderful, authentic record of our times these stories will make for future generations.