Getting off the couch
Film student Ian Minifey in Lampeter follows his grandfather's words of wisdom.
"A few years ago my tadcu said the words, 'get off the couch and live a life.' So in September 2003 I came to the University of Wales Lampeter to start a degree in film studies.
My first year is a bit of blur now, as I cannot remember most of it because of the amount of alcohol I consumed.
Only joking, my degree had its up and its downs, but for me the filmmaking part was the best. Don't get me wrong I am not pretending to be the Steven Spielberg of Lampywood, but I did enjoy making films and having a laugh while doing it. Uni life has left me with a different way of looking at things and I made lifelong friends - four of whom I still live with. That's right! I still live in Llanbedr Pont Steffan, not a student anymore but working as a lifeguard and gaining more experience for filmmaking.
Ok hold on there! I still lead a student life but without the essays and the work that goes along with it. I still play rugby for the Uni rugby side, DJ in the Students' Union and spend a lot of time in and around the old haunts. I could go on and on... but I think you get the gist of it.
My tadcu always questions what I am doing up here. The answer is tadcu, I am following your advice and living a life... A very good one at that."
Ian Minifey