Please tell us a little about yourself.
Since arriving in Wales in 1967 I have spent most of my time working as a freelance video producer, principally in the area of community arts.
What's your story about?
It's a reminiscence. In the 1970's I was one of a group who formed "Jack Russell's Road Works", a theatre group who devised performances to encourage children to participate. We toured holiday playschemes in Cardiff and many other places throughout South Wales. I was reminded of that time when looking through boxes of old photographs. By articulating the story I was able to recapture some of the enthusiasm and idealism of the time; and hopefully by publishing the story it might reach some of the people, now grown up, who participated in those events as children.
What did you find the most rewarding aspect of the workshop?
It provided a very clear and supportive framework for me to organise my thoughts and learn how to use the technology to do so.