The nature of superstition
By Adam Spencer
Friday the 13th is traditionally . Those who claim not to believe often avoid walking under ladders or crossing the path of a black cat, just to be on the safe side.

Superstitions - Birds
Sarah Mack explores the superstitions surrounding our feathered friends. Euan follows the journey of the famous Edinburgh Christmas tree from felling in the forest to the switch-on of lights. Find out if the Young family are ready to part with their feathered friends in the final instalment of Landward's 'Turkey for Christmas' series.
How to make friends and influence people
Many Scottish farmers are convinced that it's bad luck to befriend any of their animals before showing them at Highland shows; such action would put a spell on them and prevent them from winning.
Black sheep of the family

Black sheep: the bringer of bad luck
In the north of Scotland, some farmers believe that the birth of a black-faced sheep brings bad luck for all the flock – this is where the expression ‘black sheep of the family’ originates. If a sheep has twins, both born with black faces, this signals a poor lambing season ahead.
You can't make a milk purse out of a cow's ear
Historically, cattle have been a target for witches. Farmers would tar the rear of a cow's ear or the root of their tail to stop witches from stealing their milk.
Hare today, gone tomorrow
The field hare is known as a bad omen around the world, yet to see a black hare is considered good luck – and in Scotland a white hare is even better luck. If you see a hare running along the road it is said to be running away from a soon-to-be fire; and the left foot of a hare is a good luck charm against arthritis.

Swans: protected species
Swans a-swimming
Swans are protected birds in the UK and it is considered unlucky to bring them to harm. Furthermore, a swan cannot hatch its eggs unless there is a storm and if, in Scotland, you see three swans flying together, it's looked upon as a sign of a disaster waiting to happen.
Aunty Mary had a canary
A Scots canary is a singer greater than all other birds and to harm it in any way causes the person to lose their voice. The strange markings on its eggs have led people to believe it is the Devil's Bird.