Tomorrow night sees the premiere of the film version of Sebastian Faulks' best-seller Charlotte Gray. It recounts the wartime exploits of a young Scots woman whose empathy with the French people leads her to volunteer to join the Special Operations Executive - the SOE.
Before she embarks on her secret mission the fictional 'Charlotte' first has to join an all-female corps with the unforgettable name of 'the FANY'. But this was not a unit invented for the book. It's memorable acronym stands for First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and the FANY still exists.
During the next two weeks we hear the reminiscences of some of these extraordinary women, most of whom have never before had the chance to tell the unique stories of their service in WW2. We start with Anne Bonsor. Sebastian Faulks, Charlotte Gray, Vintage; ISBN: 0099394316, £6.99