Did you get a book for Christmas - and do you like it? Will you give up after 20 pages because it's boring, or will you pursue it to the bitter end and be bored?
Doris Lessing in the opening of The Golden Notebook says you should 'drop them when they bore you and skip the parts that drag and never never read anything because you feel you ought or because it's part of a trend or a movement."
But when should you give up on a book? Can you tell on page 1, page 20 or if you give it time, will you get into it?
Jenni talks to writers Bonnie Greer and Deborah Moggach about the trauma of giving up on a book. We're on our Christmas holidays, so sorry but audio will not be available for individual items. Don't forget you can still hear the full programme by going to the Woman's Hour homepage or by going to the Listen Again page.