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Future Legislation? We've already received thousands of submissions in our search to find a law that would make Britain a better place to live. Here's just a sample of some of your ideas.
 |  |  |  |  | Dominic Arkwright introduces the project, plus Stephen Pound MP explains what he'll do with the winning submission (17/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | What's been the response to our Listener's Law competition - and who will decide the shortlist? Stephen Pound M.P, J ulia Hartley-Brewer, and Ian Dale. |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Hattie Brock, aged 9, wants to legislate for better school dinners (17/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Retired judge Sir Oliver Popplewell, 76, on his proposed age discrimination bill (17/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Benjamin Zephaniah thinks political parties shouldn't campaign ahead of elections (17/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Ueber-pedant Lynne Truss wants to legalise defacing public signs in order to improve grammar (17/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | David Aaronovitch would outlaw smacking, whilst The Chap Magazine's Gustav Temple explains his proposed 'Eccentric Behaviour Law' (18/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | TV chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall wants meat products to be more honestly labelled, whilst Blur frontman Damon Albarn would banish Pop Idol-style "zombies" (19/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Lisa Jardine wants tax deductable childcare, Egon Ronay says waiters need tips and Brian Eno wants the tax-payer to decide where their cash goes.. (22/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | The Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries wants an arms control treaty and Jonathan Coe would like a literature bank holiday.. (23/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Peter Gabriel wants to know about information on the public that's sold to third parties - and George Melly wants the Church and State to separate (23/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Miranda Sawyer wants toÌýoverhaul the sexual offences bill and Keith Hellawell says bring back the death penalty! (24/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Listener Submissions 1: hear some of your suggestions (18/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Listener Submissions 2: a few more (19/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Listener Submissions 3: they just keep coming (19/12/03). |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  We want your thoughts. CLICK HERE and fill in the form ... you could make history.
 |  |  |  |  |  | USEFUL LINKS |  |  |  |  |  | 
The 91Èȱ¬ is not responsible for the content of external websites
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  Our people's champion, Stephen Pound MP.
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  We received almost 10,000 nominations.
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 'The 5 shortlisted nominations will be announced on Boxing Day and you'll be able to access this page from here once announced'.
Warren Edwardes. No Small Print Bill. I have just turned 50. My biggest hate is small print. No contract, terms and conditions, or advertisement may contain any character of less than 2 mm in height nor any character that is less than 20% of the size of the largest character in such a contract, terms and conditions, or advertisement.
Simon Fraser. Summons for government duty. In a similar manner to being summoned for jury duty, members of the public will be requested to attend meetings to hear proposals for new laws, procedural changes and policy implementations. The proposals will be explained to the participants, along with any benefits, risks, consequences and costs. At the end of the session the participants will be asked to vote on the proposal. Their votes will count towards the totals in the House of Commons for that particular bill. If a bill is rushed through the Commons, public committees may discuss and vote after the fact.
Keith Irving Lumsden. All property for sale should be offered with a 'Log Book' recording all improvements, alterations, transactions, planning consents, surveys, etc.
John Lee. I propose that the UK should adopt European time. Advantages would include improved communications with the rest of the EU, simplified rail, air and ferry timetables and, most importantly, the simple pleasure of being able to take advantage of more daylight particularly in the late summer evenings.
Revd John Ticehurst. That no elected person shall be able, from public money, decide on their own salary or pension. The Good book says "Let no man think of himself more highly than he ought...."
Janet Ednie. Politicians should only be allowed to represent the people for maximum 3 terms of parliament. Let’s get rid of this political career in our system so they can earn an honest living.
Jon Moynihan. Every year, thousands of people die for lack of a transplant organ from a suitable human donor. All this could be solved if the boot was on the other foot, and a law was passed mandating that the organs of any adult could be used for transplant unless they had expressly stated the wish, in clearly recognisable form, prior to their death, that this should not happen.
S Goldberg. Given the recent changes in the use of mobile phones in cars, I find it incredible that it is still perfectly legal to do the following while driving a) set fire to a white object that you are holding between your teeth b) regularly put that (now burning) object between your lips and inhale from it c) obscure vision of road by regularly blowing smoke from said object in front of your eyes d) hold burning object in one hand while driving with the other e) attempt to extinguish object while driving Isn't it about time it was also illegal to smoke while driving?
Helen from Farnham. All products designed for single use and not recycled after use should attract an extra landfill tax to ensure that re-usable alternatives are more attractive. The type of products I have in mind are: disposable nappies, wipes, razors, tissues, paper plates, foam cups, un compost-able / un-recyclable / non-reusable packaging, un-rechargeable batteries ...etc etc. Of course paper underwear is excluded as long as it's edible (or maybe John H could ask Ms Emin to turn it into a luvly arhwurk).
John Coleman. As well as having maximum speed limits, let’s have minimum speed limits. For example, on a national speed limit single carriage way (60 mph), let’s have signs indicating that you are not allowed to go slower than say 50 mph. We all know that most accidents are caused when drivers are overtaking, but why is there so much over taking, because other drivers choose to drive slower than the speed limit allows.
Robin Arnold. Variable speed limits according to time of the day, implemented by radio controlled speed limit signs. The speed limit during rush hour would serve traffic management purposes. At the other end of the spectrum the speed limit on major roads should be removed altogether from 2am till 5am.
Bill McBryde. A Bill to make it a criminal offence to make an unsolicited telephone call to a domestic telephone for the purposes of selling services or goods or carrying out market research.
Diane Senior. It should not be a criminal offence to sell good by weight of pounds especially as you can still buy a pint of beer in a pub.
Richard Tems. I'd like to propose that it be made illegal for employers to force their employees to work on nationally recognised public holidays.
Wendy Barton. I would like to make it an arrest able offence to wear a baseball cap in public. Baseball cap wearers are invariably criminals. I would also like to make it illegal to sell baseball caps or to bring them into the country.
June Paterson-Brown. People who are given 'community service' as their punishment for wrong doing should be given the job of cleaning the pavements in their area of chewing gum. Add to that the view that they should wear something to identify them as carrying out their community service.
David McDonagh. We should have a temporary outlaw sanction that applies to all attackers, & lasting for about half an hour after they have attacked someone. This would remove the fear that ordinary people have to defend themselves from muggers & other attackers. The police now deter people from defending themselves but not the criminals that the law perversely protects this mocking the general public & becoming a social menace on par with the criminals it protects if not far worse.
Michael Palmer. I would like it to be compulsory for all motor vehicles to be fitted with an approved immobiliser. This should be a requirement for an MOT certificate.
Robert Gore. My bill would seek to total the entire cost of a criminal act and this amount would then track the individual throughout life and extract payments whenever income reached a given threshold, or circumstances changed, through inheritance or advantageous marriage to give two examples.
Douglas Makhija. Whenever any representative of any political party is interviewed, the interviewer, on behalf of the listening audience, has the right 'to give the interviewee a good slap' if said interviewee uses the word "clear" in respect of any alleged clarification statement. Typical examples are "We are absolutely clear on this...", "...we have made it quite clear...", "Let me make it quite clear".
John Marshall. To reduce drink related crime and the long term effect on our medical services, increase the legal age for drinking to 21 and revoke the licence of any landlord / landlady who serves drink to anyone under the legal age.
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