includes links to Empire related websites outside the 91热爆. These links are provided to offer users further relevant information, which they may wish to explore.
How you can help us
Our links policy below sets out how we select external links for the site. Despite our best efforts some sites may change at short notice before we have had a chance to review them. If you feel that one of our external links is displaying inappropriate content in relation to our links policy, then please email us using the form at the bottom of this page.
How we choose our links
All links from The Empire site are deemed to be editorially relevant to the content/page they are linking from and suitable for the likely audience.
We do not normally link to sites which are not free to access.
We do not link to external sites in return for cash, services or any other consideration in kind.
The external links on the Empire site are reviewed and varied on an ongoing basis, according to editorial relevance.
Some of our external links may refer to websites which offer commercial services, such as online purchases.
If you wish to complain about a site, please use the email form below.
You are complaining about a generic link.