Dennis a Dannedd Cyfres 1 Penodau Canllaw penodau
Pennod 29
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Pennod 28
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Pennod 27
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Helyntion Hwchog
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Gwyliau Amserol
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Deiamwntiau am Byth
Beth mae Dennis a'i gi Dannedd wrthi'n gwneud y tro hwn? What is Dennis and his naughty...
Gofyn Wyf am Glon Hapus...
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Trewhilber, Pobwch!
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Von Chwinclyd Mewn Cariad
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Danneddsawrws Rex
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Y Sosej Rhyfedd
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
O Hela Ieti
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Newid Statws y Tatws
Beth mae Dennis a'i gi Dannedd wrthi'n gwneud y tro hwn? What is Dennis and his naughty...
Y Goeden Ffa Whilber Rhan 2
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Y Goeden Ffa Whilber Rhan 1
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...
Oes yr Arth a'r Bochdew
Beth mae'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd wrthi'n gwneud heddiw tybed? What are the mischiev...
O'r Ddalfa i Ddal Ffa
Beth mae Dennis a'i gi Dannedd wrthi'n gwneud y tro hwn? What is Dennis and his naughty...
Ta-Ta Da-Da
Beth mae Dennis a'i gi Dannedd wrthi'n gwneud y tro hwn? What is Dennis and his naughty...
Brwydr Mewn Band
Cyfres animeiddiedig yn dilyn anturiaethau Dennis the Menace a'i gi, Dannedd. Animation...
Dennis Danjerus
Beth fydd y direidus Dennis a Dannedd wrthi'n gwneud heddiw tybed? What are the mischie...
Athrobot 4000
Hwyl a sbri gyda'r direidus Dennis a Dannedd. Fun and games with the mischievous Dennis...