Argyfwng y Gwasanaeth Iechyd
Pa mor iach yw dyfodol y Gwasanaeth Iechyd yng Nghymru? How healthy is the future of the NHS in Wales?
Wrth i fyrddau iechyd Cymru gyhoeddi newidiadau pellgyrhaeddol i'r gwasanaeth, beth fydd yr oblygiadau i gleifion ac i lefelau staffio? Er gwaetha'r holl brotestio cymunedol, golyga'r wasgfa ariannol fod newid mawr yn anochel. Bydd Taro 9 yn teithio i wahanol rannau o Gymru ac i Loegr i bwyso a mesur y chwyldro mwyaf yn hanes y gwasanaeth ers ei sefydlu ym 1948.
As health boards in Wales announce far-reaching changes to the service, what effect will this have on patients and staffing levels? Despite protestations from communities, the financial squeeze means a big change is inevitable. Taro 9 travels to different parts of Wales and to England to assess the effects of the biggest shake-up of the service since it was established in 1948.
Transmitted on 02/10/12 at 9pm.