
Episode 2
Tha na seòid a’ feuchainn air biadh à Iapan, a leithid stèigean Wagyu, Bradan Teriyaki agus Coiridh Katsu. The lads cook Japanese dishes, including a western-style Katsu Curry.
Tha na seòid a’ feuchainn air biadh à Iapan an-diugh. Tha Ruaraidh a’ dèanamh Wagyu Sukiyaki agus Bradan Teriyaki cuide ri Pak Choi agus nudailean. Tha Ùisdean ag ullachadh Coiridh Katsu ann an cruth biadh bhon taobh an iar agus an uairsin stèig Wagyu le glasraich uaine Oirthireach agus sliseagan ruis.
The lads are inspired to cook Japanese dishes. Roddy creates a Wagyu Sukiyaki and a Salmon Teriyaki accompanied by Pak Choi and noodles. Uisdean rustles up a western-style Katsu Curry from scratch then cooks a Waygu Steak with Oriental Greens and Rice Chips.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Tha Ruaraidh ag ullachadh bradan teriyaki
Duration: 02:14
Leasan sushi
Duration: 02:52
Prògram 2 (Sreath 6)

350g stèig Wagyu, air a shliseadh gu mìn
1 clòbha creamh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 uinnean, air a shliseadh gu mìn
50g tomà tothan, air a ghearradh
50 balgain-buachair, air a ghearradh
2 spà inn-mhòr ola chnòtha-talmhainn
50ml sake / seiridh
50g mirin
50ml sabhs sòidh
25g siùcar
50g bachlag-phònarach
1 piobar uaine, air a shliseadh
Piobar dubh
- Airson an t-sabhs, goil sake agus miri còmhla. Cuir an t-siùcar agus an t-sabhs sòidh dhan phana.
- Teasaich an ola chnòtha-talmhainn ann am pana greideil.
- Leig leis teasachadh agus cuir na slisean creamh ris agus leig leotha bogachadh beagan.
- Cuir an t-uinnean ris a’ ghreideal agus leig leis bogachadh, agus bruich an deoch là idir sa phana eile.
- Cuir na bachlagan-phònarach, tomà tothan agus balgain-buachair dhan phana.
- Cuir am piobar uaine ris agus bruich.
- Cuir an t-sabhs dhan ghreideal.
- Cuir na slisean feòil-mhairt dhan phana agus bruich gus an tig dath air. Mionaid no dhà air gach taobh, chan fheum e cus bruich.
- Seà san agus ith!
350g Wagyu steak, finely sliced
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 onion, finely sliced
50g tomatoes, roughly chopped
50g mushrooms, roughly chopped
2 tbsp groundnut oil
50ml Sake/Sherry
50g mirin
50ml soy sauce
25g sugar
50g beansprouts
1 green pepper, sliced
Black pepper
- For the sauce, boil sake and Mirin, add sugar and soy sauce to pan.
- Heat groundnut oil in a griddle pan.
- Allow to heat and add sliced garlic.
- Allow to cook until it’s softened a little.
- Add sliced onion to griddle pan and allow to soften and reduce to cook the alcohol out.
- Add beansprouts, tomatoes and mushrooms to the pan.
- Add peppers, stir and continue to cook.
- Add sauce to griddle pan.
- Add slices of beef to the pan, cook until the beef starts to take colour. A couple of minutes on each side, it doesn’t need a lot of cooking.
- Season and serve.
4 spà inn-mhòr sabhs teriyaki
2 spà inn-mhòr mil
2 clòbhan creamh, air an gearradh gu mìn
Pìos meud òrdaig de dhinnsear, air a bhleith
2 phìos bradan
150g nudailean ramen no nudailean-uigh
Bad de dh’uinneanan-earraich
2 spà inn-bheag ola seasamain
2 spà inn-bheag sabhs sòidh aotrom
1 tiolaidh dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
2 pak choi
Sìol seasamain
- Ro-theasaich an à mhainn gu 200C.
- Ann am bòbhla, measgaich an t-sabhs Teriyaki, mirin, mil, dinnsear & creamh agus an tiolaidh.
- Bruisig thairis air a’ bhradan, còmhdaich le foidhle agus fà g gu aon taobh airson 10 mionaidean.
- Ann am pana bùrn goileach, cuir druthag de shabhs sòidh ann, cuide ris na nudailean agus na h-uinneanan-earraich.
- Bruich airson 3-4 mionaidean.
- Cuir na nudailean tro shìoltachan agus fà g gu aon taobh.
- Sgaoil duilleag foidhle a-mach. Cuir na duilleagan pak choi air a’ mhuin.
- Cuir na nudailean air muin a’ phak choi. Dùin an fhoidhle agus ceangal le streang.
- FÃ g gu aon taobh.
- Cuir am bradan leis an t-sabhs ann an soitheach-à mhainn, le crathadh dhen t-sìol sheasamain air am muin.
- Cuir am bradan dhan sgeilf as à irde dhen à mhainn.
- Cuir na nudailean agus am pak choi dhan sgeilf as ìsle.
- Ròst airson 8-10 mionaidean aig 200C.
4 tbsp teriyaki sauce
2 tbsp honey
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Thumb sized piece of root ginger, grated
2 salmon fillets
150g Ramen or egg noodles
Bunch of spring onions
2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp light soy sauce
1 red chilli, finely sliced
2 pak choi
Sesame seeds
- Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees C.
- In a bowl, mix Teriyaki sauce, Mirin, honey, ginger & garlic, chilli.
- Brush over the salmon steaks, cover in foil and set aside for 10 minutes.
- Boil a pan of water, with a dash of soy into a pan, and add the noodles along with spring onions.
- Boil for 3 – 4 minutes.
- Drain the noodles and set aside.
- Lay out a sheet of foil. Lay the pak choi leaves on the foil.
- Place the noodles on top of the pak choi. Close the foil and tie with string.
- Set aside.
- Put the salmon and marinade into an oven-proof dish, top with sesame seeds.
- Place the salmon into top shelf of oven
- Place the noodles and pak choi in the lower shelf.
- Cook for 8 – 10 minute at 200 degrees C.
4 broillich circe
200g criomagan arain
1 ugh, air a bhualadh
50g flùr
1x 300ml cnogan bainne chnòtha-còco Tà idh
400ml stoc circe, bho chiùb-stoc
1 curran, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Pìos meud òrdaig de dhinnsear, air a rùsgadh agus air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spà inn-mhòr stalc-arbhair, air a mheasgachadh le bùrn
½ spà inn-bheag turmeric mìn
1 spà inn-mhòr pùdar coiridh meadhanach-teth
2 spà inn-bheag mil
4 spà inn-bheag sabhs sòidh
5 clòbhan creamh, air an gearradh gu mìn
Ola chnòtha-talmhainn
Piobar dubh
230ml ola glasraich, airson fraidhigeadh
Cùlaran, air a shliseadh gu mìn, airson an deireadh
Rus steigeach
- Teasaich an ola chnòtha-talmainn ann am pana.
- Fraidhig an dinnsear, an creamh, an t-uinnean agus an curran anns a’ phana.
- Fà g e airson greiseag air teas ìseal gus an tig beagan dath air.
- Cuir am pùdar coiridh agus an turmeric ris agus measgaich.
- Cuir beagan dhen t-stoc circe ris airson a thoirt còmhla.
- Cuir am bainne chnòtha-còco ris agus druthag de shabhs sòidh, cuide ris a’ mhil agus measgaich.
- Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus seà san le piobar dubh.
- Leig leis goil air a shocair fhad ’s a thathar ag ullachadh na circe, a’ cur tuilleadh stoc ris an t-sabhs ma tha e a’ fàs ro thioram.
- Cuir an t-sabhs tro shìoltachan agus do phana eile. Ma dh’fheumas a thiughachadh, cuir beagan dhen stalc-arbhar ris. Cùm an t-sabhs air an teas gus a bheilear deiseil a chleachdadh.
- Ro-theasaich an ola ann am pana mòr no inneal-fraidhigidh.
- Còmhdaich a’ chearc ann an cling film agus buail le roilear.
- Seà san a’ chearc le salann agus piobar.
- Tùm a’ chearc san fhlùr, an uairsin dhan ugh buailte agus an uairsin dhan na criomagan-arain.
- Fraidhig airson timcheall air 5-6 mionaidean. Feuch teas na feòla gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e air a dheagh bhruich – 75C.
- Nuair a tha e bruich, cuir air truinnsear agus geà rr na shlisean. Dòirt an t-sabhs air a’ mhuin.
- Gabh le na cùlaran agus rus steigeach.
4 chicken breasts
200g breadcrumbs
1 egg, beaten
50g flour
1 x 300ml tin of Thai coconut milk
400ml chicken stock, from stock cubes
1 carrot, finely diced
1 onion, finely chopped
Thumb sized piece of ginger, peeled and finely chopped
1 tbsp cornflour, mixed with water
½ tsp ground turmeric
1 tbsp medium curry powder
2 tsp runny honey
4 tsp soy sauce
5 clove garlic, finely chopped
Groundnut oil
Black pepper
230ml vegetable oil for frying
Cucumber, finely sliced, for serving
Sticky rice.
- Heat groundnut oil in pan.
- Fry ginger, garlic, onion, carrots in the pan.
- Allow to cook until it takes colour, on low heat for a few minutes.
- Add curry powder, turmeric and stir.
- Add a little chicken stock and bind together.
- Add the coconut milk and a splash of soya sauce, add the honey and stir through.
- Bring to the boil and season with black pepper.
- Allow to simmer, whilst you prepare the chicken, adding more stock if required for pouring consistency.
- Pour the sauce through a sieve, into another pan. If it needs to be thickened, mix in some cornflour mixed with water. Keep the sauce on the heat until ready to serve.
- Pre-heat oil in large pan or deep fat fryer.
- Wrap the chicken breast in cling film and batter with rolling pin.
- Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
- Dip the breast in flour, then the beaten egg, then into the breadcrumbs.
- Deep fry for approximately 5 – 6 minutes. Checking the temperature to ensue it’s cooked through, 75 degrees C.
- When cooked, place on a plate and cut into slices. Pour the sauce over the sliced chicken.
- Served with sliced cucumber and sticky rice.
Rìs sushi
- Bruich an rìs sushi a rèir a’ phacaid. Rolaig ann an cling film agus geà rr ann an cruth tiops.
- Cuir dhan an fhuaradair gus a bheilear deiseil airson an cleachdadh.
- Cuir na tiops rìs dhan inneal-fraidhidh aig 180C.
- Bruich airson mionaid no dhà , gus an tig dath òir orra.
Duilleagan cavolo nero
Duilleagan Sìneach
- Plùm na duilleagan Cavolo Nero agus am brocail ann an uisge goileach airson mionaid no dhà . Cuir na duilleagan Sìneach agus am mangetout ris.
- Thoir an glasraich às a’ phana às dèidh mionaid no dhà agus cuir ann am bobhla là n deigh is uisge, gus an dath aca a chumail. Fà g san uisge airson mu mhionaid, thoir à s, cuir tro shìoltachan agus fà g gu aon taobh gus an tèid an stèig a bhruich.
Airson an stèig
Stèig Wagyu
Sabhs sòidh
1 spà inn-bheag sìol seasamain, air a thostadh
Ola chnòtha-talmhainn
Ola sheasamain
- Bruisig an stèig leis an ola chnòtha-talmhainn agus seà san le salann garbh.
- Teasaich beagan ola chnòtha-talmhainn ann am pana.
- Cuir an stèig dhan phana agus bruisig taobh eile na feòla.
- Thoir an stèig às a’ phana agus cuir air truinnsear, agus dhan à mhainn gus a chumail blà th.
- Fhad ’s a thathar a’ dèanamh seo, cuir an glasraich uaine dhan phana le druthag sabhs sòidh agus mirin, agus an t-sìol seasamain gus a bhlà thachadh.
Sushi rice
- Cook sushi rice according to instructions on packet. Roll out in cling film, to chip sized pieces.
- Place in the fridge to chill, until you are ready to use them.
- Place the rice chips in the deep fat fryer at 180 degrees C.
- Fry for a couple of minutes, until they turn golden.
Cavolo nero leaves
Chinese leaves
- Blanch the Cavolo nero leaves and broccoli for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Add the Chinese leaves and mangetout.
- Take the greens out of the pan after a minute or two and place in a bowl of iced water, to retain the colour. Leave in the water for about a minute, remove, drain and set aside until you have cooked the steak.
For steak:
Wagyu steak
Soy sauce
1 tsp sesame seeds, toasted
Groundnut oil
Sesame oil
- Brush it with groundnut oil, and season with coarse salt.
- Heat a little groundnut oil in frying pan on the hob.
- Place the steak in the pan and brush the other side of the steak.
- Cook for a minute on each side. Render the fat round the sides of the steak
- Remove from the pan and place on a plate, put into oven to retain the heat
- Meanwhile, return the greens to frying pan with a splash of soy sauce and Mirin, and sesame seeds. Toss to heat through
Rìs sushi, air a bhruich a rèir a’ phà caid
Fìon-gheur rìs
Cùlaran air a shliseadh gu mìn le mandolin
Bradan smocte
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Poca duilleagan nori
- Nigh an rìs sushi ann am bùrn fuar gus am bi am bùrn glan, an uairsin cuir an dà chuid rìs am bogadh le trì pà irtean bùrn fuar ann am pana airson 30 mionaidean.
- An uairsin, thoir an rìs chun a’ ghoil, cuir mullach air agus bruich airson 10 mionaidean no gus a bheil an rìs air an uisge gu lèir a shughadh agus tha e bog. Lean òrdugh a’ phacaid airson fios ceart.
- Cuir an fìon-gheur rìs agus an t-siùcar na lùib. Tha e nas fhasa iad seo a mheasgachadh an toiseach oir leaghaidh an t-siùcar.
- Fuaraidh an rìs cho luath ’s a ghabhas le bhith ga sgaoileadh air soitheach-à mhainn agus ga chòmhdach le tubhailt shoithichean caran fliuch.
- Cuir duilleag Nori air a’ bhrat-roiligeadh sushi.
- Fliuch do là mhan gus nach steig an rìs ris, an uairsin tog là n dùirn de rìs agus sgaoil gu rèidh air an duilleag nori, a’ fà gail an treas cuid dhen duilleig gun rìs.
- Cuir sreath tana de bhradan smocte agus bloinigean-gà rraidh tarsainn meadhan an rìs.
- Cùm grèim air an taobh as fhaisge dhen bhrat, tog agus roilig air falbh bhuat, mar chòmhdach air na tha na bhroinn. Dèan cinnteach nach dòirt na tha an bhroinn a-mach na cliathaichean agus gun steig an rìs.
- Fliuch an ceann as fhaide air falbh le beagan bùrn gus an steig na h-oirean. Còmhdaich gu teann le cling film agus fà g san fhuaradair gus am fàs e beagan nas cruaidhe.
- Bruisig an sgian le fìon-gheur rìs gus nach steig an rìs ris agus geà rr an roile na chearcaill sgiobalta.
- Gabh le spà inn-mhòr wasabi agus sabhs sòidh.
Sushi rice, cooked according to packet instructions.
Rice vinegar
Thinly sliced cucumber, sliced with mandolin.
Smoked salmon
Spinach leaves
Bag of Nori sheets
- Rinse the sushi rice in cold water until the water runs clear, then soak roughly two parts rice to three parts cold water in a saucepan for 30 minutes.
- Next, bring the rice to the boil, cover and cook for 10 minutes or until the rice has absorbed all the water and is tender. Check the packet instructions for exact timings.
- Stir through the rice vinegar and sugar, it’s easier to mix these before as the sugar will dissolve.
- Cool the rice down as quickly as you can by spreading it onto a baking tray and covering with a slightly damp tea towel.
- Place a Nori sheet on top of your sushi rolling mat.
- Dampen your hands to prevent sticking, then pick up a handful of rice and spread evenly on your Nori sheet, leaving the top third uncovered.
- Place a thin row of smoked salmon and spinach across the middle of the rice.
- Hold the near edge of the mat, lift and roll away from you, encasing the filling. Ensure the ingredients stay in place and the rice sticks.
- Dampen the top boarder with a little water to seal. Wrap tightly in cling film and chill until firm.
- Brush your knife with rice vinegar to prevent sticking and cut the roll into neat rounds.
- Serve with a dollop of wasabi and soy sauce.
- Thu 30 Sep 2021 22:00
- Mon 4 Oct 2021 23:30