Picil Mearaige-bige / Courgette Pickle
Picil Mearaige-bige
250g mearagan-beaga, air an sliseadh gu tana
3 sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
Craiteachan salainn kosher
500ml fìon-geur eòrna bere
100g siùcar castoir òr
1 spàin-tì fùdar sgeallain
1 spàin-tì sìol sgeallain
1 spàin-tì sìol soilire
2 neo 3 tiolaidhean tioram
1 spàin-tì curcuma air a bhleith
Slis na mearagan-beaga gu tana le sgian gheur, mandoilin neo lann slisidh air pròiseasar-bidh. Cuir ann an bobhla le sgalaidean agus crath salann thairis air. Còmhdaich le uisge air leth fuar, measgaich gus an leagh an salann agus fàg airson uair a thìde. Drèanaig na mearagan-beaga gu math agus tiormaich le pàipear-cidsin neo tubhailtean-teatha. Ma bhios iad ro fhliuch, tanaichidh an t-uisge am picil.
Cuir na stuthan piclidh ann am pana agus teòthaich. Leig dha goil airson 3 mionaidean, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an siùcar air leaghadh, an uairsin leig leis fuarachadh beagan gus a bheil e blàth, chan ann teth. Cuir na mearagan-beaga na mheasg agus cuir mun cuairt.
Dòirt am picil ann an 2 x shileagan 500ml fìor ghlan. Dèan dìonach iad agus fàg anns am frids airson dhà neo trì làithean. Mairidh iad mìos neo dhà, ma tha iad air an cumail fuar.
Courgette Pickle
250g courgettes, finely sliced
3 shallots, finely chopped
Pinch kosher salt
500ml bere vinegar
100g golden caster sugar
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp celery seeds
2 or 3 dried chillies
1 tsp ground turmeric
Thinly slice the courgettes using a sharp knife, mandolin or slicing blade on a food processor. Put in a bowl with the shallots and sprinkle over the salt. Cover with ice-cold water, stir to dissolve the salt and leave for 1 hr. Drain the courgettes thoroughly and pat dry using kitchen paper or tea towels. If they stay too wet, the water will dilute the pickling solution.
Put the pickling ingredients into a pan and bring to a simmer. Bubble for 3 mins, making sure the sugar has dissolved, then leave to cool until warm but not hot. Add the courgettes and stir.
Scoop the mixture into 2 x 500ml sterilised jars. Seal and leave for a few days in the fridge. Kept chilled, these will keep for a couple of months.