Press Releases
Africa Works - 91Èȱ¬ explores the challenges of businesses in Africa
World Briefing, the 91Èȱ¬ World Service news programme, will reflect on the growth, development and achievements of African businesses in three days of special programming live from Ghana from Monday 13 to Wednesday 15 November 2006.
Regular presenter of World Briefing, Jo Fidgen, and 91Èȱ¬ Africa Editor, Martin Plaut, will bring Africa Works, a series of special reports from all over the continent from the 91Èȱ¬'s network of correspondents.
Steve Titherington, Editor of 91Èȱ¬ World Service News, said: "We are very excited by the Africa Works season of programming, which not only celebrates African business but also looks at the development and challenges facing businesses across the continent.
"The season explores what makes Africa a great place to do business, as well as what more needs to be done to tackle existing difficulties.
"We will bring in-depth reports on businesses and entrepreneurs who have beaten war and red tape to succeed, and examine what needs to change to allow others to follow in their shoes."
Highlights of the Africa Works season include a special report on a Guinea entrepreneur who runs an internet service provider and cybercafés in the city of Conakry, despite daily water and electricity cuts and Government interference.
The season will also look at the Nande tribe in Butembo, Eastern Congo, who have built a dam with no state support and regularly trade between Dubai and Eastern Congo despite war in their country.
And there is a feature on cross-border trading issues between Arusha, in the north-west of Tanzania, which is close to the borders of Congo and southern Sudan.
Africa Works profiles a number of business lives including: the Ghanaian Finance Minister, who will discuss how the clearing of debt has altered the management of his country's finances; and an interview with the CEO of South Africa's most profitable mobile phone operator, which is the largest black-owned firm on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
There is also a feature on the daily working life of a Nigerian market woman in Lagos.
The programme also explores the financial value of African art, its music and crafts.
Audiences who miss the season on air or want to hear programmes again can find an audio archive at bbcnews.com/business, including in-depth features on all the key issues.
Africa, Have Your Say, the hour-long interactive 91Èȱ¬ radio and online programme presented by Bilkisu Labaran, will host a special discussion on businesses in Africa on Tuesday 14 November at 4pm GMT for the Africa Works season.
Africa, Have Your Say broadcasts every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 4pm GMT.
Listeners wanting to have their say can do so by emailing: africa@bbc.co.uk or by sending a text message on the day of the programme to +44 77 86 20 20 08. Ìý
91Èȱ¬ World Service
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