Height: 6' 2"
is the son of a wealthy businessman. His father has recently passed
away and he has many millions of pounds in a trust fund which he
stands to inherit when he graduates from university.
says he was out drinking with friends in Oxford the night Marilyn
was killed.
I'm Guy Weston, I'm 22 and I'm studying Economics at Oxford University.
I WAS going out with Marilyn Spencer, but I stress WAS. We'd broken
up after not seeing eye to eye for a long time. She'd been putting
a lot of pressure on me which is the last thing I need in my final
year. Too intense. I was very fond of her, lovely girl, lovely girl,
but it wasn't enough to keep us together. Its not as if we were
having a baby or anything. I had to pull the plug. Lovely girl though.
juggling many interests outside of university that are taking up
a lot of my time. After my father's recent death I'm having to attend
to his estate. My mother died when I was very young you see. I'm
in at the deep end really, having to tie up as best I can his business
affairs in the Middle East. They're a very difficult lot to deal
with. The protocol is madness sometimes and you have to treat their
Islamic beliefs with kid gloves.
I can't
think of anyone on the campus having a grudge against Marilyn. She
was very popular, Rebecca will tell you that. If you ask me I came
between Gemma and Marilyn's friendship. I guess they argued a lot
about me since Gemma was my previous girlfriend. To be honest Gemma's
been terribly bitter. She's not got much money bless her. Did you
know she strips? She's gone to pieces lately, she's never got over
me dumping her for Marilyn. Never.