This Victorian villa in
West Bridgford, Nottingham has been refurbished in a low energy and
ecological way. It is the architect's family home, a showcase of green
features and an example of best practice. Features include super-insulation
solutions, rainwater recovery, low flush loos and foul waste composting,
solar hot water and wood burning boiler and a variety of natural /
non toxic finishes. Take a 360° tour of Penney and Gil's home
and learn how they transformed it from a typical semi to one of the
country's most eco-friendly urban residences... Click on the image
below to start your tour of the house:
Key 1 Flat-plate solar collectors for heating
water 2 Roof insulation 300/400mm thick, made of shredded
surplus newspapers 3 Roof lights with insulating (low emmissivity)
glass 4 Natural plasters - clay and lime based 5 Super-insulated
hot water tank 6 100mm ozone friendly drylining to front
face to maintain exterior brick appearance 7 150mm exterior
wall insulation with rendered finish 8 Space saving bath
and thermostatic shower controls can save water 9 Heat recovering
fans limit ventilation heat loss 10 Environmetally friendly
paints 11 Draught lobby in porch 12 Triple- and double-glazed
timber windows treated with natural fungicides and stains
13 Energy efficient appliances 14 Second hand, natural and
reclaimed furniture 15 Stripped floorboards 16 Copper rainwater
goods with filter for rain harvesting 17 160mm natural floor
insulation 18 Rainwater storage for use in WCs, washing
machine and outside tap 19 Low-flush WCs 20 Non PVC waste
pipes 21 Composting chamber for solid waste from WCs 22
Separator lets liquids drain off and solids into composting
chamber 23 Decking from English green Oak provides longevity
without toxic pressure treatment 24 Organic land management
utilising the principles of permaculture. Growing our own
food saves on packaging and transport.