In November 1977 a killer whale swam into Lough Foyle, Co. Derry,
in pursuit of a late salmon run.
To the delight of thousands, in Derry city and from miles around,
he stayed in the lough for several days before being coaxed back
into open water. His apparent inability to find his own way back
out to sea had already caused him to be dubbed Dopey Dick.
Did you see Dopey Dick in Lough Foyle? Tell
us what you remember about his visit and the efforts to lure him
back out to sea.
The intelligent and inquisitive killer whale is arguably the
most spectacular animal to be found in or around Ireland.
In autumn family packs follow migrating salmon to warmer waters
and it is at this time that most are seen in Irish waters.
They are annual visitors off the south and west coasts and regular
sightings are made off Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork.
Although a member of the dolphin family the male has true whale
proportions, being up to 9m (30ft) long with a 2m (6ft) high dorsal
The female is only about half this size and the dorsal fin is
much shorter and curved back, dolphin-style.
Did you see Dopey Dick in Lough Foyle? Tell
us what you remember about his visit and the efforts to lure him
back out to sea.
other memories already submitted.