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Blow up a few capitalists And the Bishop of Down and Connor And Stormont Castle and Lord Carsons statue and the houses of bloody Parliament This gives some idea of how thoroughly Moore rejected his background. Moore left school early and without qualifications, which was a severe disappointment in a family of overachievers but he always thought that failure was more interesting than success Joining the Air Raid Precautions unit was an affront to the nationalism of his family. As he later said: My childhood made me suspicious of faiths, allegiances, certainties. His father died in 1942, in the following year aged 22 - Moore enlisted as a civilian in the British Ministry of War Transport. This took him to North Africa, Italy and France. After the war he served in Warsaw with the UN Relief and Rehabilitation mission. He saw at first hand the horrors of war and its aftermath. In 1948 Moore not yet 30 - emigrated to Canada, here he married and became a citizen. He worked as a reporter on the Montreal Gazette and, after a literary apprenticeship writing crime fiction, his first novel, Judith Hearne, was published in 1955 when Moore was 34. Judith Hearne established Moore as a superb stylist who could combine exact description with a sympathetic approach to his characters. Judith Hearne is an aging, alcoholic spinster who is slowly descending into poverty. She deludes herself into thinking that James Madden, a returned Yank, might be interested in her and that he might be wealthy. Madden is interested but only because he assumes that she has money. Discovering the truth pushes Judith into a final crisis. Her tragedy is not only that she is an alcoholic - or that she is controlled by an authoritarian catholic church - it is also that she loses her faith. Moores triumph here was to inhabit completely the mind of someone whose circumstances were far-removed from his own. While he was irreligious, he could still appreciate that the loss of faith was a real crisis for someone like Judith. The exploration of the issue of faith, whether religious or political, gives a unity to Moores fiction I am not a believer he said - but I am fascinated by belief. Not just belief in God, but belief in something. A hope that one's life will have some meaning, some fulfillment. In 1959 he moved to New York on a Guggenheim Fellowship - one of the many awards that he was to win. In the early 1960s he worked with Alfred Hitchcock on the film Torn Curtain, a cold war thriller he described the experience as awful, like washing floors. He eventually settled in California and a love affair and an acrimonious divorce led to a second marriage in 1967 - this would last for the rest of his life. While always retaining precise and detailed observation as the basis of his work, Moore could be playful too for example, in The Great Victorian Collection from 1975 he imagines what might happen if a dream came true. But Moores writing cant be neatly packaged. He also wrote political novels such as 1987s The Colour of Blood - about a Catholic cardinals involvement with the politics of a Soviet bloc state. While his final book, The Magicians Wife, was an historical novel set in nineteenth-century French Algeria on the verge of war. Moore was a gifted and gripping story-teller and a writer whose ever-expanding range made him unpredictable in every way - except for his adherence to the highest standards of writing. As a fellow novelist remarked after his death he was: the writer other writers loved to read just to see how he did it.     5>?@   A Y Z [    V a ˻{{pX{KhhxOJQJ^J.hhx6OJQJ^J_H aJmH o(sH hh#l"OJQJhhxOJQJhOJQJhOJQJo(hhx6o(hhx6OJQJo(hhxOJQJo(hhxOJQJmH o(sH "hhx5>*OJQJmH sH %hhx5>*OJQJmH o(sH hhx5>*OJQJo(?@x y ! < W z   [ \    1$7$8$H$gdgd$a$gd]gd  }<=JabT]gd $7^7a$gdgd$a$gd71$7$8$H$^7gd*'*gi {|}ҾҰzzzziXi hhCJOJQJ^JaJ hhxCJOJQJ^JaJhhxOJQJhhx56OJQJo(hhx6CJOJQJaJhhxOJQJo(hhx6OJQJo(&hhx6CJOJQJ^JaJo(#hhx6CJOJQJ^JaJhhxOJQJ^Jhhx6OJQJ^J =ICJXbx _`abUĸĸĪĸĸĸĸĸĸĸshhxOJQJ^Jo(hhxOJQJ hhxCJOJQJ^JaJhhxOJQJ^Jhhx6OJQJ^JhhxOJQJo(hhx6OJQJo(+hhxOJQJ^J_H aJmH o(sH .hhx6OJQJ^J_H aJmH o(sH (TU]gd $7^7a$gd$a$gdUh_jh_UhhS"6OJQJhhx6OJQJo("hhx6OJQJmH o(sH  ,1h. 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