Angry, you turn. Eyes full of hate and pain, you lash out with words. Insults and profanities spill from your lips like an opened dam, now it's open there's no way to hold back the power of the waterfall. You arms flail, accusing fingers point and you begin to push away those who love you, with your mocking laughter. Your monster takes you over; you are Dr Jekyll, but nothing you have swallowed has made you Mr Hyde. Nothing you have done created your monster, only all that is unfair in the world, and the complete disregard of those who should regard you most. I begin to drown in your torrent of words. Even the strongest swimmer within me can't fight against this one, so I take a deep breath and try to go with the flow. I run out of breath long before you have finished your pain filled rant. Later, the flow slows, and the monster shrinks back again, I know the it has to come out somehow, but my word, it scares me. Because you aren't you anymore. Nothing I could say or do could console your monster. In the shock after the onslaught I remember to love you again, because I will always love the Dr Jekyll, no matter what happens. But Hyde rips my heart apart every time he rears his dirty face. |