Jersey unemployment numbers rise by 15%

Jersey's latest unemployment figures are up by nearly 15% on the same time in 2010.

There are currently 1,390 people actively looking for work in the island, which is 190 more than in January 2010.

Of those people, two-thirds were receiving income support.

Long-term unemployed numbers are also up on January 2010, with 160 people registered as being out of work for more than a year.

Nearly 40% of the total unemployed were under 25, with about 25% of the total teenagers aged from 16 to 19.

Economic Development Minister Senator Alan Maclean said: "We are working hard to address the need for our young people to acquire the right skills and training to find local employment.

"The Advance to Work and Advance Plus schemes have been very successful, and additional funding approved last week will allow these valuable programmes to continue into 2012.

"But we desperately need the support of the local business community to ensure that suitable placements can be found."

The wholesale, retail and the motor trades seem to be suffering the most.

People whose last job had been in these sectors made up almost one third of the latest monthly increase.