And hello again!
Years ago I spent a week in Poland as part of a student exchange between a German and Polish school.I stayed with a very friendly and hospitable family who spoilt me rotten with the most delicious food. To express my gratitude I frequently said dzieÅ„ dobry which I though meant 'thank you'. The family looked bemused, but didn't correct me so I kept repeating dzieÅ„ dobry each time they presented me with another meal. Only later I found out that what I actually said was 'hello' or lit. 'good day'. I don't know what the family thought of me greeting every meal. The correct phrase for 'thank you' is »å³ú¾±Ä™°ì³ÜÂáÄ™ which sounds similar enough!
Sent by: Anette
hahaha, hilarious! Don't worry. My British boyfriend confuses the two words very often whenever we're in Poland visiting my family.
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