Basic Japanese can make life easier
I have recently changed jobs to a Japanese Bank. In terms of culture shock Japan certainly posed a big challenge. It needs 6-12 months of cultural adjustments i.e. establishing where to shop for food, clothes and other items. Additionally new social contacts need to be established in what can seem a very alien environment. This is often the toughest one to deal with, especially for those coming with families or living overseas for the first time. This is not necessarily a negative issue, as my family and I find ourselves with a truly global set of friends from the US, Europe, Australia, China and Japan. This has been a very rewarding experience. Once you establish these friends you soon get to know what to do and where to do it.Additionally, Japan can be very daunting if you do not speak or read Japanese. Although there are many signs in English and some people do speak English, spoken English is generally in a minority. I would advise anyone considering working in Japan to undertake some basic language training; it is surprising what some basic Japanese language can do to make life easier and a lot more fun!
Sent by: Andy
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