These contain some examples of vulgar language.
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When it comes to seduction the Germans have a bit of a reputation, or is it that they have no reputation? Women don't like to be treated as an easy catch and often find it awkward being invited for a drink. Men are not known for their gentlemanly behaviour.
It would seem that flirtation and seduction are not what Germans are most skilled at. Either they get straight to the point or they talk about serious topics and professional aspirations. However, real friendship can blossom between men and women even if the flirting leads to no success.
These are the words to watch out for.
Looking around
Making a move
Yes or no
Getting down to it
(* = familiar, ** = very familiar, *** = vulgar, s = slang, Lit. = Literally)
Scannen/auschecken (s) To check out. Note that English words get a German grammatical make-over and acquire German endings. Lass uns die beiden da hinten mal auschecken. (s) Let's check out those two over there.
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´¡³Ü´Ú°ù±ð¾±ÃŸ±ð²Ô (s) To pick up. Lit. To tear open.
Aufgabeln (s) To pick up. Lit. To fork up.
Anbaggern, angraben (s) To flirt. Lit. To dig someone.
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Einen Korb geben (**) To reject someone. Lit. To give someone a basket. A bit old-fashioned but still in use. Apparently, from the times when women used a basket to pull their lovers into their bed chamber.
Landen (**) To score. Lit. To land.
Ein Griff ins Klo (s) Being unsuccessful. Lit. To grab into the toilet bowl.
Lass uns abpfeifen (**) Lit. Let's blow the final whistle. The likelihood of scoring is negative so you'd rather leave and try again somewhere else. The night is still young.
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Knutschen (s) To snog.
Schmusen (s) To canoodle.
Poppen (s) To shag.
Ein Gummi (**) A rubber.
Flachlegen/flachgelegt werden (**) To shag someone/to get laid.
Weiberheld (s) Womanizer. Lit. Wenches' hero.
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