Transport and environment

Sinn Fein

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Not addressed in the manifesto


Sinn Fein

Main pledges

  • Deliver special designated status for NI within the EU
  • Ensure that any UK-EU Brexit deal is approved by the Irish government and the NI Executive
  • Maintain access to EU farm funding - including CAP payments - after Brexit
  • Agree provisions to allow NI to rejoin the EU if an Irish unity referendum is successful

Education and family

Sinn Fein

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Guarantee continued access to EU funding for schools and research after Brexit
  • Allow the free movement of students across the EU and continued access to the Erasmus programme
  • Ensure that NI students in the Irish Republic pay the standard Irish fee, not the higher international rate

Economy and taxes

Sinn Fein

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Secure increased fiscal powers for the NI Executive
  • Ensure that special status for NI in the EU allows continued access to EU markets and funding
  • End zero-hours contracts and protect workers' rights
  • Explore potential economic benefits of increased all-Ireland co-operation in public services

Health and care

Sinn Fein

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Implement recommendations in Bengoa Report on NI's healthcare services
  • Increase all-Ireland co-operation on some health service provisions
  • Ensure that doctors from EU countries who work in NI can remain in their job after Brexit
  • Guarantee continued free access to healthcare across the EU

Key priorities

Sinn Fein

Main pledges

  • Deliver special designated status for Northern Ireland within the EU
  • Secure a referendum on the reunification of Ireland within five years
  • End "swingeing cuts" it claims have been imposed on NI by the Conservatives
  • Implement legislation to give official status to the Irish language
  • Increase all-Ireland co-operation on some health service provisions