Key priorities


Main pledges

  • The need for a strong economy to guarantee security, personal prosperity, public services,
  • Leading the UK through Brexit and getting a deal that works for everyone
  • Resisting calls for a second independence referendum until their is "public consent"
  • Make sure that everyone opportunity to make the most of their talents and hard work

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • End freedom of movement
  • Require foreign trawlers to have permits to fish in Welsh waters post-Brexit
  • Limit the total cost of running the Welsh Government, the assembly and local councils to 2% of Wales' economy
  • Scrap police and crime commissioners, create a national commissioner and merge the four Welsh forces into one body
  • Ensure all parents have the right to send their children to a local school teaching through the medium of English or Welsh
  • Support the proposed Swansea Bay tidal lagoon

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Hold a referendum on the terms of the Brexit deal, with the option of staying in the EU
  • Pass an Environment Protection Act to safeguard and restore the environment
  • Provide more money for public services
  • Move towards a four-day working week and "universal basic income"
  • Scrap tuition fees and fund full student grants

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • End austerity and release £120bn for UK-wide public spending over next parliament
  • Hold a second independence referendum “at the end of the Brexit process”
  • Protect Scotland’s place in the EU single market
  • Raise the minimum wage to more than £10 per hour by 2021/22
  • Call on the new UK government to increase health spending per head of population in England to the current Scottish level, which is 7% higher
  • Support an increase across the UK in the Additional Rate of income tax - for those earning more than £150,000 - from 45p to 50p

Key priorities

Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Hold a referendum on the final Brexit deal, with the option to remain in the EU
  • Add 1p to income tax to fund the NHS and social care
  • Rule out coalitions with the Conservatives or Labour – but want to make the Liberal Democrats the official opposition
  • Increase spending on early years, schools and colleges in England
  • Reverse some benefits cuts

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Bring an end to austerity and invest heavily in public services
  • Negotiate a Brexit deal that "puts the economy and living standards first"
  • Nationalise a number of utilities including rail, post, water and the National Grid
  • Increase taxation on business and the highest paid
  • Invest in the British economy through a £250bn stimulus package
  • Abolish tuition fees for university students in England

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Deliver a smooth and orderly departure from the EU
  • Restating commitment to bring net migration down to tens of thousands
  • Balance budget by 2025
  • Replacement of triple-lock pension pledge after 2020 with double lock

Key priorities

Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Strongly oppose "another divisive referendum" on independence
  • Wants a referendum on the final terms of the Brexit deal
  • Propose adding a penny on income tax in Scotland in order to invest additional money in education and mental health
  • Pledge to keep the triple-lock on the state pension

Key priorities

Plaid Cymru

Main pledges

  • Negotiate a Brexit deal that puts Wales first
  • Demand all future free trade deals must be endorsed by Welsh Assembly
  • Guarantee rights of all Europeans currently living and working in Wales
  • End the business rates system, moving to a turnover-based system
  • Introduce a fuel duty regulator to stop rising fuel costs

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Complete the Brexit process by 2019, without paying money to the EU
  • Restore "complete control" of UK's maritime exclusive economic zone
  • Cut net migration levels to zero within five years by almost halving immigration into the UK
  • Unskilled and low-skilled labour banned for five years, and skilled workers and students would need visas
  • Slash the foreign aid budget and spend it on domestic priorities like the NHS
  • Ban Sharia courts and the wearing of face coverings in public places

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Introduce a living wage of £10 an hour and invest in infrastructure, skills and new technology
  • Create 853 new police officers and stronger rights for crime victims
  • Keep giving the NHS and social care the money they need and continue work to join up services from hospital to home
  • Protect free school breakfasts and invest £100m to further improve school standards
  • Deliver 20,000 more affordable homes by 2021

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Secure special status for Northern Ireland within the EU
  • Increase transparency and accountability at Stormont
  • Oppose cuts to benefits, tax credits and and pensions
  • Implement legislation to give official status to the Irish language
  • Pursue justice, truth and accountability for victims and survivors of NI's Troubles

Key priorities

Sinn Fein

Main pledges

  • Deliver special designated status for Northern Ireland within the EU
  • Secure a referendum on the reunification of Ireland within five years
  • End "swingeing cuts" it claims have been imposed on NI by the Conservatives
  • Implement legislation to give official status to the Irish language
  • Increase all-Ireland co-operation on some health service provisions

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Oppose a hard Brexit and achieve a deal that recognises "the special circumstances in Northern Ireland"
  • Restore a working NI Assembly and base it on co-operation and mutual respect
  • Creare "transparent" politics, with all parties publishing large donations they receive
  • Change the electoral system, introducing voting from the age of 16
  • Reform NI's health and education systems and reverse budget cuts

Key priorities

Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • A second referendum on the Brexit deal before the UK leaves the EU, with the option to remain voters reject it
  • Give more financial powers to Welsh ministers and increase their funding
  • Seek to increase the Welsh Government's funding from the UK Treasury
  • Transfer powers over transport, all Welsh ports, energy, broadcasting, air passenger duty, youth justice, policing and other justice powers from Westminster to Cardiff Bay
  • An additional £7.5m for community policing across Wales
  • Add a penny in the pound to income tax, enabling Wales to spend an extra £300m on the NHS and social services

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Protect Northern Ireland’s place in the United Kingdom
  • Restore devolution at Stormont as quickly as possible
  • Draw up a national reform plan for NI, which would see civil service reorganised
  • Resist attempts to "rewrite" NI's troubled past and assist innocent victims in obtaining justice
  • Create 50,000 new jobs in NI by 2021

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Oppose an unwanted and unnecessary second independence referendum
  • Establish a People’s Constitutional Convention that will consider the option of a more federal UK
  • Abolish the so-called "rape clause" in the new Child Tax Credit rules
  • Complete the HS2 high-speed rail line from London through Birmingham to Leeds and Manchester and then into Scotland
  • Establish a Scottish Investment Bank, with £20bn of funds available to local projects and Scotland’s small businesses
  • Safeguard the future of the vital North Sea oil industry

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Strengthen Northern Ireland's place in the UK and secure the best possible Brexit deal
  • No hard Irish border or internal borders within the UK
  • Restore public confidence in Stormont by reforming its functions to increase accountability
  • Improve NI's healthcare system by merging the five existing health trusts
  • Introduce a single education system for future generations of NI children

Key priorities


Main pledges

  • Deliver a smooth and orderly departure from the EU
  • Increase NHS budget in England by £8bn a year by 2022/23
  • An extra £4bn on schools in England by 2022
  • Restating commitment to bring net migration down to tens of thousands
  • Balance budget by 2025
  • Replacement of triple-lock pension pledge after 2020 with double lock