
Plaid Cymru

Main pledges

  • Introduce Welsh-specific visas
  • Take international students out of net migration targets



Main pledges

  • Reduce net migration to tens of thousands
  • Double the Immigration Skills Charge on companies employing migrant workers
  • Increase minimum earnings threshold for family visa sponsorship
  • Toughen requirements for student visas and rules allowing them to stay and work



Main pledges

  • Immediately guarantee rights of EU citizens living in UK
  • Devolve immigration powers so Scotland can attract EU citizens
  • Campaign to restore the post-study work visa so students can stay in Scotland after graduation.
  • Restore the “Dubs scheme” to let unaccompanied migrant children into UK


Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Continue to allow high-skilled immigration to support key sectors of the economy
  • Offer safe and legal routes to the UK for refugees, expanding the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme
  • Reopening the Dubs scheme to take 3,000 unaccompanied refugee children from Europe
  • Reinstate post-study work visas for graduates in STEM subjects who find suitable employment within six months of graduating



Main pledges

  • End freedom of movement between UK and EU
  • Aim to reduce net migration to zero over a five-year period
  • Moratorium on unskilled and low-skilled immigration for five years after Brexit
  • Require new migrants to pay tax for five years before they are eligible for benefits and non-urgent NHS services



Main pledges

  • Develop and implement "fair" immigration rules
  • Need for new migration management systems which work with Holyrood to identify labour and skill shortages
  • Fulfil spirit of international law and "our moral obligations" by taking "our fair share" of refugees
  • Protection for people already working in the UK - whatever their ethnicity



Main pledges

  • Freedom of movement will end when Britain leaves the European Union
  • Reinstate the Migrant Impact fund in areas where immigration has placed a strain on public services
  • Take students out of immigration numbers
  • Recruit 500 more border guards



Main pledges

  • Reduce immigration to annual net migration in the tens of thousands, rather than the hundreds of thousands
  • Independent committee to make recommendations about how the visa system can become better aligned with industrial strategy
  • Double the Immigration Skills Charge levied on companies employing migrant workers, to £2,000 a year by the end of the parliament
  • Use the revenue generated to invest in higher level skills training for workers in the UK


Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Support the principle of freedom of movement between the UK and EU
  • Allow high-skilled immigration to support key sectors of the economy
  • Remove students from official migration statistics
  • Welcome 50,000 Syrian refugees over five years and re-establish the "Dubs" child refugee scheme



Main pledges

  • Retain free movement of citizens between the UK and the EU
  • Introduce a "humane immigration and asylum system"