Health and care


Main pledges

  • Give NHS England £9bn extra year by 2021/22, with £2bn more for social care
  • Increase nurse training placements and reinstate funding for bursaries
  • Crack down on ineligible foreign nationals using the NHS
  • End Private Finance Initiative (PFI) deals in the NHS

Health and care


Main pledges

  • Commit to more than £30bn in extra funding for the NHS in England over the next five years
  • Reverse privatisation and return health services into public control
  • Guarantee access to NHS treatment within 18 weeks and A&E within four hours
  • Lay the foundations of a National Care service and put an extra £8bn into social care over the next five years

Health and care

Lib Dems

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Guaranteeing the rights of all NHS and social care service staff who are EU nationals to stay in the UK after Brexit
  • Using the extra resources from a 1p increase in dividend taxation to help deliver a step change in mental health in Scotland
  • End the public sector pay freeze for NHS workers and social care staff
  • Urge the Scottish government to produce a national workforce strategy to prevent shortages of doctors and nurses

Health and care


Main pledges

  • Roll back use of private providers in the NHS
  • Scrap NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans
  • Provide an immediate cash injection to the NHS
  • Bring mental health care into line with physical health care

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Merge the five existing health and social care trusts
  • Install an operationally independent chief executive of the NHS in NI

Health and care

Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Add 1p onto each rate of income tax and ring-fence the money for NHS and social care
  • Ensuring mental health care waiting time standards match those in physical health care
  • Ensure that there are more nurses on hospital wards and in the community
  • Introduce a Welsh NHS whistle-blowing hotline

Health and care


Main pledges

  • £8bn increase to NHS England budget compared to current level by 2022/23
  • Include value of family home in means test for people receiving social care at home
  • Cost of care to be capped and people guaranteed to keep £100,000 of assets once care bill paid
  • Allow deferral of care bills until after death to ensure no-one is forced to sell family home

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Implement a health service reform programme based on clinical evidence
  • Direct investment in the health service towards social care
  • Ensure the role of carers is fully recognised in a reformed health service

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Increasing the NHS budget by whichever is highest: 2%, inflation or Barnett consequentials from extra cash spent on UK health
  • A greater focus on mental health with significantly faster interventions for acute problems
  • Keep up the pressure on the Scottish government to introduce Frank's Law and improve support for dementia sufferers under 65
  • A new entitlement to child bereavement leave

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Implement recommendations in Bengoa Report on NI's healthcare services
  • Eliminate a "layer of bureaucracy" by abolishing Health and Social Care Board
  • Fund a plan to reduce hospital waiting lists

Health and care

Sinn Fein

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Implement recommendations in Bengoa Report on NI's healthcare services
  • Increase all-Ireland co-operation on some health service provisions
  • Ensure that doctors from EU countries who work in NI can remain in their job after Brexit
  • Guarantee continued free access to healthcare across the EU

Health and care

Lib Dems

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Put a penny in the pound on income tax, enabling Wales to spend an extra £300m on the NHS and social services
  • End the public sector pay freeze for NHS workers

Health and care

Plaid Cymru

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Train and recruit 1,000 doctors and 5,000 nurses in Wales over next decade
  • Introduce a social care rescue plan to help people live independently
  • Introduce a carers' contract to support those who care for others
  • Push for Wales' share of £350m a week promised by Leave campaign

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Oppose extension of the 1967 Abortion Act to NI
  • Protect working conditions for medical staff and increase their pay
  • Increase co-operation between health and education to tackle mental health problems
  • Develop a cancer strategy for NI to meet increasing demand for care
  • Review GP and primary care with a view to increasing their accessibility

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Increase tax on private medical insurance and halve fees to management consultants
  • Give more money than any other party to Scotland's NHS
  • Increase medical student places; provide more GP training places and end 1% pay cap for NHS staff
  • Back the Frank's Law campaign to ensure under 65s with dementia receive free care

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Create a staffing strategy for changes in demand, population and demography to prevent "ludicrous" overtime bills
  • Ensure students receiving NHS bursaries for university courses work in an NHS setting for at least three years after graduation
  • Ensure health bodies' highest paid staff earn no more than 10 times their lowest paid counterparts
  • Give mental health services parity with physical health treatment and reflect this in staffing and budgets

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Increase NHS spending across the UK by £11bn, meaning an extra £1bn for the NHS Scotland budget on top of existing plans
  • Implement recommendations of independent pay review for NHS staff in Scotland
  • Vote to protect the health service in all parts of the UK from privatisation
  • Maintain and always protect free personal and nursing care in Scotland

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Cost of care to be capped and people guaranteed to keep £100,000 of assets once care bill paid
  • Statutory entitlement to carer's leave for working people
  • Increase funding for the Welsh NHS, prioritising patient care

Health and care


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Keep giving the NHS and social care the money they need and continue work to join up services from hospital to home