Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Introduce a single education system for future generations of NI children

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Review the Curriculum for Excellence and reset general education so its main focus is on traditional subjects and core knowledge
  • Continue arguing for schemes like TeachFirst or new postgraduate bursaries to attract the best graduates into Scottish schools
  • Make the case for a range of reforms to the one-size-fits-all model with a broader range of government-funded but autonomous schools
  • Support new tests for trainee teachers to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Support the creation of a national schools fund to refurbish "our Victorian age" school infrastucture
  • End the forced closure of community schools
  • Ensure all parents have the right to send their children to a local school teaching through the medium of English or Welsh
  • Support comprehensive schools and back the establishment of new grammar schools and technical colleges, if the local community wishes

Education and family

Plaid Cymru

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Guarantee employment / training / education for anyone under-25 and looking for work
  • Free, full-time nursery places for all three-year-olds
  • Increase availability of Welsh education from nursery to FE, HE and adult learning
  • Create network of specialist National Colleges of Vocational Education for 14+ and post-compulsory education

Education and family

Lib Dems

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Increase school budgets and the Welsh Pupil Premium to protect against rising costs and pupil numbers, and investing in cutting infant class sizes
  • Introduce new accreditation standards for teacher training courses to attract the best talent to the profession
  • Introduce a new curriculum for Wales
  • Increase the statutory duty on local authorities to provide a funded early education place for three-to-four year olds to 15 hours a week

Education and family

Sinn Fein

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Guarantee continued access to EU funding for schools and research after Brexit
  • Allow the free movement of students across the EU and continued access to the Erasmus programme
  • Ensure that NI students in the Irish Republic pay the standard Irish fee, not the higher international rate

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Tackle underachievement by through support for early-years interventions
  • Increase shared education across all sectors

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • More money "to transform" Scotland's education system and ensure all young people can "reach their full potential"
  • Fund a breakfast club in every primary school in Scotland
  • Introduce an improved version of the Chartered Teacher scheme ensuring teachers progress careers while staying in the classroom
  • Reform senior phase of secondary schooling and introduce a Scottish Graduation Certificate

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Reform the education system so that budgets cuts can be reversed
  • Pritoritise shared education to promote a more integrated society
  • Ensure that 20% of children are educated in shared schools within 10 years

Education and family


Main pledges

  • Increase the overall schools budget in England by £4bn by 2022
  • No school will have its budget cut as a result of the new funding formula
  • End the ban on new selective schools
  • Introduce T-Levels

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Expand early years education and childcare to 30 hours a week for 3 and 4 year olds and vulnerable 2 year olds in Scotland
  • Will not follow the Tories' market-driven education reforms in Scotland
  • There will be no selective grammar schools in Scotland
  • Continue to guarantee no tuition fees for university education

Education and family


Main pledges

  • Scrap tuition fees and fund full student grants
  • Abolish SATs tests
  • Restore the Education Maintenance Allowance
  • Free early education and childcare for all children

Education and family


Main pledges

  • Abolish university tuition fees and reintroduce maintenance grants
  • 30 hours of free childcare for two-year-olds in England
  • End the public sector pay cap for teachers
  • Restrict primary class sizes to 30 and introduce free school meals for primary school children

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • More than 30 hours free childcare for three to four-year-olds
  • Introduce modern foreign language learning in primary schools

Education and family

Lib Dems

Main pledges

  • Spend £7bn extra on education, increasing school budgets and the Pupil Premium
  • Oppose grammar schools
  • End the 1% cap on teachers' pay rises
  • Reinstate maintenance grants for the poorest students

Education and family

Lib Dems

This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Scottish Parliament, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Make the case for a "Penny for Education", putting 1p on the income tax rate to generate £500m for education
  • Work to secure the extension of early education and childcare to three and four-year-olds, all two-year-olds and the most vulnerable families with children of an earlier age
  • Support the establishment of a properly funded Pupil Premium
  • Protect universities from the impact of a hard Brexit and ensure that they are open to all

Education and family


Main pledges

  • Grammar school in every town
  • Restore university maintenance grants
  • Stop offering student loans to EU nationals after Brexit
  • Expand technical and vocational education

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the Welsh assembly, which is next up for election in 2021

Key campaign points

  • Protect free school breakfasts
  • Invest £100m to further improve school standards in Wales

Education and family


This issue is devolved/partly devolved to the NI Assembly, which is still without an executive after the power-sharing coalition broke down

Key campaign points

  • Expand Ulster University's Magee campus to 10,000 places and include a medical school
  • Offer part-time tuition fee loans to students retraining in STEM subjects
  • Increase childcare provision from 12.5 hours to an initial 20 and then to 30 hours