i was very young when my dad died. his name was benjamin presley. he served with the glorious gloucesters in the war.He was stationed in India before the war.(army service )I recently found out that he was captured at dunkirk and possibly taken to Belsen. I also know that he was shot in the arm, but i dont know whether this was whilst he was captured or after. a relative said that he tried to escape. Because my father did not talk about his experience of war which is understandable, he has been dead for 35yrs this year and i would dearly like to find out as much as i can about him. please can anybody help.he was in hospital for a while before he came home. and when he got well he worked for the R.A.F till he died in 1970
He lived in Gloucester all his life i believe in the StCatherine St side of town. I would also like his service no if anyone can help.thanking you in anticipation. I want to keep his memory alive for his grandchildren.