Every year many thousands of objects are discovered, many of these by metal detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening or going about their daily work. Such discoveries offer an important source for understanding our past.
Every year many thousands of objects are discovered, many of these by metal detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening or going about their daily work. Such discoveries offer an important source for understanding our past.
The Portable Antiquities Scheme is a voluntary recording scheme for archaeological objects found by members of the public to help increase public awareness of the importance of such finds for understanding our past.
What advice do the Portable Antiquities Scheme offer to people who are lucky enough to make a find? How can you find out more about an object you have found? How should you clean your finds? What is 'Treasure'? Since 1997, the Scheme's Finds Liaison Officers have examined over 100,000 objects, many of which might have otherwise gone unrecorded and the PAS is on hand to offer advice and promote good practice.
The PAS would like to know about everything of archaeological interest that members of the public find - not just metal objects.
The PAS record all objects made before about 1650. For objects made after 1650 PAS workers may be selective in recording them, depending on how common or interesting they are.
It is often best to let a PAS Finds Liaison Officer see all finds, especially if the finder is unsure of what they might be: a nondescript lump of copper-alloy may turn out to be a fragment of a Bronze Age ingot and hence of archaeological significance.
The PAS encourages metal-detector users to act responsibly, and take the opportunity to record finds discovered, so they may add to our knowledge of our past. Finders contributing to the scheme will be fully acknowledged.
When using a metal-detector, finds can be recovered from the ploughed surface of a field without disturbing any archaeological layers that there might be below.
However, recovering objects from below the plough-soil could cause damage to archaeology and should be avoided. On land that is not ploughed, archaeological layers can be much closer to the surface, and so much more vulnerable to damage.
After finding something, it is important to take a note of the findspot, either using a map or hand held GPS device (any local Finds Liaison Officer will help). All finds are evidence of human occupation, and can help us understand more about a particular area or object type. As more and more finds are recorded, PAS will be able to trace patterns in the way they are distributed, and these will provide vital clues to the activities of our ancestors. In this way many questions about our past could be answered.
If a detectorist finds anything really exciting, fragile or complex, it's worth getting an archaeologist to help dig it out (the local Finds Liaison Officer can supply details of appropriate people). Archaeologists can lift fragile objects and, importantly, are able to record the context in which the find was made. Finders do not risk losing out on a reward by asking an archaeologist to help.
Yes - because these are also important archaeologically.
The PAS would like to record details of the objects that you have found, including a detailed description, its weight and measurements.
The PAS would also hope to record where and how they were found, including how the land is used; for example a ploughed field or in a garden. If your finds are particularly important or unusual we may wish, with your permission, to photograph or draw them.
Generally, the Finds Liaison Officers prefer to borrow the finds for about four weeks which allows enough time to research and record the objects. However, if the objects need to be photographed or drawn, or if you bring in a large group of them, this may take longer. YOu will be issue with a receipt whilst they are in the care of the PAS.
The aim of the PAS is to make as much of the information available as possible, while protecting people's personal details and protecting archaeological sites from damage.
Precise details of findspots will be made available to the Finds Liaison Officers, the Sites and Monuments Record, and other statutory bodies such as English Heritage, Cadw and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales.
The PAS intends to release the details of the finds they record on the Internet, but the findspots of objects will not be identified more precisely than a National Grid Reference (NGR) of more than four figures (accurate to 1km square); and the most sensitive findspots will not be identified even as accurately as this.
Please note that the information given to Finds Liaison Officers by finders is subject to the Freedom of Information Act (2000). All personal information will be protected by the Data Protection Act (1984).
No. The PAS only wants to record information about any finds. The acquisition of objects by museums is an entirely different procedure.
Only if a find counts as ‘Treasure', under the Treasure Act (1996), will a museum have the right to acquire it. One of the definitions of Treasure is that the object is more that 10 per cent gold or silver.
If a museum does wish to acquire Treasure, a finder can expect to receive its full market value, provided permission was given to search on the land where it was found, and the Code of Practice on the Treasure Act has been followed.
Museums may sometimes be glad to have the opportunity to acquire non-treasure finds, but this could only happen with the finder's agreement, and that of the landowner.
Coins - All coins from the same find (two or more) provided they are at least 300 years old when found. If they contain less than 10% gold or silver there must be at least 10 of them.
Objects - All prehistoric base-metal objects from the same find (two or more).
All finds (one or more) at least 300 years old and containing 10% or more gold or silver.
Associated finds - Any object, whatever it is made of, found in the same place as (or had previously been together with, another object that is treasure.
For more information on the Treasure Act, access the link in the 'related links' section on the right of this page.
You must report all finds of Treasure to a coroner for the district in which they are found either within 14 days after the day on which you made the discovery or within 14 days after the day on which you realised the find might be treasure.
For details of your local coroner see the Treasure Act Code of Practice.
No. The scheme is entirely voluntary, although PAS hopes finders will decide to report their discoveries. However, it is obligatory to report material that constitutes Treasure, or that which may be believed to be Treasure. Copies of the Code of Practice on the Treasure Act and of a leaflet that explains the definition of Treasure may be obtained free of charge from any local PAS Finds Liaison Officer or from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. You can find contact details on the Portable Antiquities Scheme's website.
Yes. It is essential to obtain permission from the landowner before using a metal-detector on his or her land. This includes land that is publicly accessible, such as beaches or council-owned land.
Detecting on scheduled monuments is strictly forbidden unless permission has been obtained from English Heritage (in England) or Cadw (in Wales). The PAS cannot record objects that have been illegally recovered.
Some pottery and flint can be cleaned by being gently washed in water. Metal objects should be kept dry. At most, loose soil can be gently removed from the find. With objects such as coins, finders should not try to remove corrosion, and should never polish or apply abrasives. It is important not to dip metal objects in lemon juice or vinegar as this can destroy the whole coin. Oil can attract grit and is difficult to remove - its benefits are purely cosmetic. Inexperienced cleaning can reduce both the archaeological and the commercial value of finds. The local PAS Finds Liaison Officer can offer basic advice and can put finders in touch with experts who can provide more specialist advice if necessary.
The local PAS Finds Liaison Officer offers a wide range of services:
This is highly unlikely. Only sites of national importance are scheduled (which means that it is illegal to use a metal-detector on them without permission) and isolated metal-detector finds on their own are not enough to lead to a site being scheduled, although such sites may be scheduled if other, more detailed, information about them exists.
There is no known example where new detector finds on their own have led to a site being scheduled.
The recording of finds is entirely voluntary, although the PAS are glad to know about all finds. If a detectorist brings a lot of material to be recorded, the Finds Liaison Officers are likely to concentrate on the most recent discoveries. However, ideally all finds should be recorded, and the logistics of this should be discussed with the local Liaison Officer.
Not at all. The PAS would like to see archaeological objects found by anyone. However, metal-detector users do discover most of the archaeological objects that are being found, so the Scheme organisers are particularly keen to make contact with them.
The first point of contact is the local PAS Finds Liaison Officer of any given area. A full list of contact names and addresses can be found on the .
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