
close windowPlant list: Frost-hardy plants

Frost hardy plants will survive a few degrees of frost, to about -5°C, but it’s best to protect them or bring them indoors for winter.

Cortaderia Selloana 'Sunningdale Silver', Pampas grass
 Latin name:Cortaderia Selloan 'Sunningdale Silver'
 Common name:Pampas grass
 Type of plant:Grass
 Flower colour:White
 Leaf colour:Mid-green
 Height and spread:3m x 1.8m (10ft x 5.9ft)
Pampas grass is traditionally grown as a specimen in the middle of a lawn, but also looks good grown in a shrub border as a giant ornamental grass. Tidy annually to remove debris which otherwise builds up and chokes out new growth. The plumes can be cut and dried for flower arranging. 'Sunningdale Silver' has strong stems and dense plumes which stand up to the worst of the weather.

Kniphofia caulescens, Red hot poker
 Latin name:Kniphofia caulescens
 Common name:Red hot poker
 Type of plant:Perennial
 Flower colour:Coral red
 Leaf colour:Blue-green
 Height and spread:1.2m x 60cm (3.9ft x 2ft)
This evergreen perennial is native to South Africa. From late summer to mid-autumn it brings the garden to life with its coral red flowers.

Fuchsia magellanica, Hardy fuchsia
 Latin name:Fuchsia magellanica
 Common name:Hardy fuchsia
 Type of plant:Shrub
 Flower colour:Red and purple
 Leaf colour:Dark green
 Height and spread:3m x 2m (9.8ft x 6.6ft)
In a sheltered spot this deciduous shrub makes a spectacular hedge. It is the parent of many cultivars whose flowers range from white to pink and red.

Eremurus, Foxtail lily
 Latin name:Eremurus
 Common name:Foxtail lily
 Type of plant:Perennial
 Flower colour:White and yellow to pink
 Leaf colour:Green
 Height and spread:1.5m to 2.2m x 60cm to 1m (4.9ft to 7.2ft x 2ft to 3.3ft)
A spectacular upright firework of a plant that bears a tall flowering spike that is covered with lots of tiny flowers. Does best in a hot sunny spot on well-drained soil

Schizostylis, Kaffir lily
 Latin name:Schizostylis
 Common name:Kaffir lily
 Type of plant:Rhizome
 Flower colour:White to red
 Leaf colour:Mid-green
 Height and spread:60cm x 20cm (2ft x 8in)
This South African perennial blooms from late summer. Will do best in a sunny spot and thrives in a fertile soil. If it likes the conditions, it will rapidly spread.

Related plant lists:

Hardy plants
Frost-hardy plants
Half-hardy plants
Frost-tender plants