Plant list: Autumn seed-heads
Seed-heads are another sign of successful procreation. Many perennials produce seed-heads which are ornamental and last throughout the winter.
Latin name: | | Cortaderia selloana |
Common name: | | Pampas grass |
Type of plant: | | Grass |
Hardiness: | | Frost hardy |
Flower colour: | | Silvery |
Leaf colour: | | Grey-green |
Height and spread: | | 3m x 1.5m (9.8ft x 5ft) |
Description: | | Evergreen, clump-forming perennial with tussocks of sharp edged, arching leaves. In late summer, 2m to 3m (6.6ft to 9.8ft) tall plumes of grass-like flowers appear.
Latin name: | | Nigella damascena |
Common name: | | Love-in-the-mist |
Type of plant: | | Annual |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Blue and white |
Leaf colour: | | Bright green |
Height and spread: | | 60cm x 20cm 2ft x 8in) |
Description: | | The many-petalled flowers appear above the light, feathery leaves, and if left will develop very attractive, round, balloon-like seed-heads. However, to prolong flowering, deadhead. Prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
Latin name: | | Miscanthus sinensis |
Common name: | | Miscanthus |
Type of plant: | | Perennial Grass |
Hardiness: | | Frost hardy |
Flower colour: | | N/A |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 1.2m x 45cm (3.9ft x 1.5ft) |
Description: | | An ornamental grass with tall, upright, arching, sword-shaped leaves. M. sinensis ‘Zebrinus’ has yellow ‘hoops’ on the leaves. They may produce hairy seed-heads in autumn. Leaves may also offer autumn colour.
Latin name: | | Achillea millefolium |
Common name: | | Yarrow |
Type of plant: | | Perennial |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | White |
Leaf colour: | | Grey-green |
Height and spread: | | 60cm x 60cm (2ft x 2ft) |
Description: | | Vigorous, upright perennial with fern-like foliage and small flowers that appear on large plate-like flower-heads in summer. These may be dried for winter decoration. Herbal remedy used for fevers.
Latin name: | | Iris foetidissima |
Common name: | | Striking gladwyn |
Type of plant: | | Rhizomatous |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Dull purple or yellow |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 30cm to 1m x indefinite (1ft to 3.3ft x indefinite) |
Description: | | A spreading rhizomatous evergreen with a flowering stem that produces up to nine flowers 5cm to 10cm (2in to 4in) wide. In autumn, the cylindrical seed pods burst open to reveal scarlet, round fruits. A great bog garden plant.