David Lynch's Blue Velvet is a "movie that brought the clammy terrors of this avant-garde filmmaker kicking and screaming into the mainstream". Previously available on a disappointing DVD, we have a two-disc special edition that's worth clamping a gas mask to your face for.
She Wore...

Blue Velvet gets a whole disc to itself, allowing a quality transfer that's as rich in colour as it is in detail for the darker scenes. The 5.1 sound mix is detailed and adds atmosphere to this already suffocatingly intense movie.
What Is Blue Velvet?
In the new documentary Strange Desires, you won't find any new opinions from David Lynch. Instead, distributor Santuary has sourced some decent vintage material where he offers some concise views on what the film is about. Producer Fred Caruso, Dennis Hopper, and cinematographer Frederick Elmes all offer their takes on what the movie means. Elmes is the most interesting - having worked on projects with Lynch since Eraserhead, he can give us an insight into their relationship and what they've been trying to achieve through the years.
More opinions are to be found in the Moving Pictures featurette, but these are talking head contributions rather than people involved in the making of the film.
This DVD was reviewed on a JVC XV-N5 DVD player.