Reviewer's Rating 2 out of 5 Ìý User Rating 4 out of 5
The One (2002)

There's no denying that Jet Li is one hell of a martial artist. Now, if he could only get a grip on the English language, we might actually get a decent Hollywood movie out of him.

Yes, that sounds cruel but, speaking rudimentary English, Li's kung-fu cannot make up for a story that's severely lacking in anything other than action.

It's especially problematic when he's required to play more than one character. Why's that, you ask? Because the plot relies on the concept of the Multiverse, in which there are hundreds of universes with the same people in each, albeit in different incarnations.

Li is Yulaw, a high-kicking villain who is illegally travelling through each world killing all versions of himself, gradually becoming faster and stronger as he goes.

He's being chased by government agents Roedecker and Funsch (Lindo and Statham), who are trying to stop him before he can kill his final self, good cop Gabe, which will make him - you've guessed it - The One.

The fighting (which three years on, is still palpably "Matrix"-esque) is pretty good, particularly the inevitable mano-a-mano between the good and bad versions of Li. But everything else is basically rubbish, a Van Damme movie with more money and a more athletic lead.

In fact, the only things raising it above the dreaded one star are the ever-dependable Lindo, Li's skills with his fists - and Statham's unintentionally hilarious American accent. Someone should teach Jase that looking like you've had a stroke while you say your lines is no way to get ahead in Hollywood.

End Credits

Director: James Wong

Writer: Glen Morgan, James Wong

Stars: Jet Li, Delroy Lindo, Jason Statham, Carla Gugino, James Morrison, Dylan Bruno

Genre: Action, Science Fiction

Length: 87 minutes

Cinema: 12 April 2002

Country: USA

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