Mild high jinx abound in this comedy about some Irish lads who decide to advertise in America for some decent fit young US girlies to replace the local hags with. It's a treat on DVD, even if Fox have been somewhat mean with the extra features. (There aren't any. So don't ask. OK?)
The Donegal locations fill the screen with subtle earthy shades in a transfer that doesn't offer up any problems at all. It is slightly grainy, but it's in keeping with the style of the movie.
The 5.1 sound mix concentrates on subtle atmospherics for most of the film, but certainly doesn't shrink from action when needed, with a local dance filling out the speakers with music and dancing.
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Chapters: 15
Region: 2
Ratio: 1.85:1 (Anamorphic)
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Extra Features: Scene selection, English subtitles for the hearing impaired.