
THE SATAN PIT: Fear Factor 5 (Terrifying)

How scary is Doctor Who? Our brave Fear Forecasters present a minute-by-minute guide to The Satan Pit.

Amy gave a score of 5
Amy (5)
Harry gave a score of 5
Harry (7)
Samuel gave a score of 5
Samuel (9)
Adam gave a score of 5
Adam (13)

Previously: The Doctor and Rose look up at a black hole.(1) The story so far... "Oh no, I want to watch the new one!" wails Amy. "This is the new one!" Harry reassures her. He's prepared himself for this episode by getting a really big cushion to hold.

Rose cowers as Mr Jefferson shoots some Ood.(3) Open fire! Harry grits his teeth as the Ood start to fall. Samuel does his machine gun impression. Adam tries, but with a mouthful of crisps this turns out not to be a good idea.

A guard gets attacked by the Ood.(4) The Ood loom at the door. "Looks like it's goodbye Jefferson," observes Samuel. But no, it's someone else. "Who was she?" asks Samuel. "No-one I remember," he adds heartlessly. But there are more Ood on the way! "Get away from the Ood!" shouts Harry, helpfully.

With the trap door open, the Doctor is tempted to go into the Chasm.(6) The Doctor considers going into the pit. "I'm not so sure," ponders Adam, studying the dark hole cautiously. Amy is being very sensible: "I don't think they should go down," she adds.

Zack sits there, armed with a bolt gun, listening to the beast.(9) Zack's mention of the Torchwood Archive gets a big cheer from the whole family, like a pantomime turn. However, Harry's still clutching his cushion, just to be on the safe side.

The crew finally see the Beast, but only on screen.(10) Another glimpse of The Beast! Scary! The kids look at each other worriedly. Adam, who was scrabbling for the last of the crisps, is cross to have missed this.

The Ood start breaking into the rooms.(12) The Ood are breaking in! "I want the cushion too!" demands Amy, pulling it away from her brother.

Rose talks to Toby, he's sure he can translate the text.(15) Rose is bossing people around. Samuel is full of admiration: "Rose has turned into the Doctor. She's being the captain!"

The Doctor is bouncing in excitement about what's down the chasm.(16) The Doctor's keen to know what's in the pit. Adam reckons he knows: "I bet the TARDIS is there."

The Doctor jump into the chasm, feet first.(18) The Doctor is going into the pit. Samuel thinks this will be impressive: "I've never seen the Doctor abseil before." Then the Doctor jumps. "Wheeeee!" shout Adam and Samuel.

The Ood chase the rest of the crew and Rose through the ventilation shafts.(20) Toby says that things could be worse, while he stares at Rose's shimmying bottom. Adam and Samuel giggle. As the Ood crawl after them through the tunnels, Harry is very concerned. Amy studiously examines the cushion.

Toby is still secretly possessed.(25) Toby's eyes glow red. "Oh no!" shrieks Harry, horrified. "He's still evil!" gasps Adam. Amy pulls a face: "I don't want this cushion, Harry's been chewing it."

The Doctor has reached the end of the line and drops...(28) The Doctor falls! "Noooo!" cries Harry, putting the cushion over his face. "Oh my gosh," says Mum in a quiet, shocked voice. Adam and Samuel aren't worried in the slightest: "Wheeeee!" they shout.

Ida sits, running out of air, appreciating the scenery.(31) Ida says that the underground cavern is beautiful. "In its own way," admits Adam grudgingly. "Hang on, that's the crack that the TARDIS fell down!"

Rose has top be sedated, she won't leave without the Doctor.(32) Rose is sedated by the crew. "They're not letting her get left behind," says Samuel wistfully.

The Doctor Wakes, his helmet glass is smashed!(33) The Doctor's landed and smashed his helmet. Adam: "Ooh dear, that looks nasty."

Rose threatens Zack, 'Go back for the Doctor!'(35) Rose threatens Zack with the bolt gun. Adam stares in amazement.

The Doctor has found the seal imprisoning the beast.(36) Cave paintings. "That's the Devil there, in the wall," says Samuel. The Doctor touches one of the jars, and it lights up. Samuel's professional appraisal of the situation: "Uh-oh, shouldn't have done that!"

The Beast, chained inside the chasm.(37) "Oh. Dear. God." says Adam slowly and distinctly. "Exactly. The. Opposite," says Dad. Harry abandons his cushion and races behind the sofa, closely followed by Amy. For the next few minutes, they're like meercats, popping up and down depending on whether the Beast is on screen or not.

The Doctor breaks the seal keeping the Beast alive.(39) The Beast sticks out his forked tongue at the Doctor. Samuel: "Ewww!" Why is the monster not talking? "It's in Toby!" Samuel realises. The Doctor hefts a rock near the jar. Samuel: "I wouldn't do that..."

Toby reveals that he is still fully possessed by the Beast.(41) Toby's possessed again, and breathing fire! Harry embeds his front teeth in the top of the sofa. Even Amy looks worried.

Toby is dealt with by being sucked into space.(42) Rose dispatches Toby through the shattered window. Adam and Samuel: "Wheeeee!"

The Doctor finds the TARDIS.(43) The Doctor bumps up against something. Adam is vindicated: "The TARDIS!" Harry runs back onto the sofa, rapidly followed by his sister. Samuel calls out to the crew of the space ship: "Get ready! The Doctor's here to save the day!"

Rose is so happy to see the Doctor again and hugs him. (45) Smiles from the whole family as Rose gets a big hug from the Doctor. And now the rocket shoots off into the distance. "That," says Harry, "was brilliant!" Amy smiles and nods enthusiastically.