Q.: Series Two takes place by the sea, was there much of a holiday atmosphere?
RJ: It was honestly the happiest job I've ever done. We were so lucky - the crew and the cast were so lovely and friendly, the weather was fantastic, we were laughing all day at work and going to the pub at night. Yeah it was a bit like being on holiday... lucky people we were!
Q.: Do you have much/any involvement in the writing process for Linda? Do you do much improvisation during filming?
RJ: Well like I said with the fish van, a lot of stuff comes from the impro sessions that we do before the scripts are finished. But that's only part of it. Julia then puts it all together, structures it and makes up new stuff herself. We do a certain amount of impro during filming - sometimes it livens up a scene if it doesn't seem to be working. The problem with that is that it's a nightmare for the crew 'cos they don't know what's coming next!
I had a lot of input in Linda's "look" - Claire Finlay the costume designer came up with some brilliant ideas, based on Linda's lack of personal hygiene and her love of heavy metal. I'd also seen someone in Cardiff with side buns like Linda. I'm very fond of the buns. Look out later in the series for a single top bun. I think I look like the woman who does those cleaning programmes - you know, the one with the gloves.

Q.: How did you get involved with Little Britain? What's that like to work on? Are you going on tour with them?
RJ: I auditioned for Little Britain ages ago and things just went from there. I love working on it. Matt and Dave are so professional and pay so much attention to detail - they work really hard. They asked me to do the tour but unfortunately I'm not available at the beginning of next year. They have however asked me to be in the London show next autumn.
Myfanwy is a great character - she's a sexually liberated lesbian living in a sexually liberated village. She's permanently optimistic and is just desperate for Dafydd to find himself "a bit of bum fun".
Q.: You've done a fair bit of writing, for example Fat Friends. What do you prefer, writing or performing?
RJ: I'm writing a comedy at the moment with my friend James Corden (also in Fat Friends) and we're going to be in it as well as writing it. I think that's got to be the best combination really - being able to perform characters that you've created.
Q.: What's in the pipeline that you can tell us about?
RJ: In January I start work on a new series which was piloted on 91热爆3 earlier this year. It's called I'm With Stupid and I think it's brilliant. I get to work with Mark Benton again (we were engaged in Human Remains). Then after that I'm working with Steve Coogan on his new comedy series called Saxondale. I play the girlfriend of his character and I'm very excited about it.
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Little Britain
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