On the road in Colombia - Day 3

Yesterday, it was a helicopter ride out into the countryside; today it was a cable car ride up in to the mountains, high over the rooftops of central Medellin and up into one of the city's poorest neighbourhoods.
It's a spectacular ride, and all the more remarkable for being part of Medellin's regular metro system. After all, what better way to re-integrate life in what used to be one of the most violent barrios than by providing a cheap, rapid way for its residents to get into the centre of town?
When I was in a favela (shanty-town) in Rio de Janeiro earlier this year, I saw them building something very similar, so it looks as if the idea might be catching on.
But I haven't only been flying through the air on this trip. I've also been hearing some heart-rending stories from people whose relatives have been killed by the army, just a handful of those who have suffered during the terrible years of Colombia's violence.
And this afternoon, I met one of the most articulate and passionate Generals I have ever encountered - he answered the allegations of human rights abuses head on, and described how the Colombian army is now helping to train the Afghan National Army in how to deal with an insurgency.
Lots of fascinating material, so do listen out for it on Thursday.