On air at 1100GMT: Homophobia in football

After a long meeting on what to discuss today, we've decided on a topic which was pitched to us by a WHYS listener.
Guillaume wrote to our editor Mark wondering why the programme hadn't touched on a story coming out of the women's World Cup of football taking place in Germany.
Last week gave an interview to the German daily Bild - branding homosexuality as 'dirty'.
She was quoted saying: "homosexuality is a dirty thing, spiritually and morally it is very, very wrong."
Since then, over 40,000 people have written to football's world governing body FIFA to complain.
The story has been picked up the the , AFP, and Edward Jackson in the has called for homophobia to be given the "red card" in football and eradicated by 2015.
So we're asking whether this is about attitudes in Nigeria or a problem across the pitch. Let us know what you think and whether Mr Jackson's plea to kick homophobia out of football by 2015 is a realistic one.