Should anyone negotiate with people who use child suicide bombers?

This topic was discussed on 27 June 2011. Listen to the podcast
Chloe here on Ben's login. An eight year old girl has been tricked into becoming a suicide bomber in Afghanistan. Authorities say insurgents gave the girl a package and told her to take it to a police vehicle, detonating it as she approached. She was the only person who died.
A statement by the ministry described the Uruzgan incident as a "crime and a shameful act".
Just last week a nine-year-old girl in Pakistan said she was abducted from her home in Peshawar, taken to an area near the Afghan border, and forced to wear an explosive vest. Sohana Jawed told a press conference there that she was put in a suicide vest and told to stand near some soldiers, but she threw the vest off and ran away.
Should we be negotiating with these people?
says the conflict in Afghanistan can not be won through violence.
"There is widespread recognition among the lesser coalition partners that this latest Afghan war cannot be won on the battlefields."
While there is no evidence to show who sent this girl to be a suicide bomber, previous acts show - should we negotiate with these people?