Libya: What's the end game?

Representatives from 40 countries are heading to London for talks today on as the UN-backed military action goes on. UK Prime Minister David Cameron is hosting the meeting to ensure what he calls "maximum political and diplomatic unity".
It's hoped that the presence of Arab countries like Qatar, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates will help strengthen the alliance behind military action.
But Russia, which says the action has gone beyond the terms of the UN resolution that authorised it, has already said it will not attend.
The UK, France, the US and Germany are firmly urging supporters of Colonel Gaddafi to "leave him before it is too late", going as far as saying the regime has lost it's legitimacy.
One of the most challenging issues to be discussed at the conference is . Italy wants to push for Gaddafi to be exiled. However, Britain and France - hope the rebels will topple the dictator. On Monday night in a TV address, President Barack Obama said the US would work with its allies until the day Gaddafi leaves power, but insisted it would not use force to topple him. He even acknowledged that Gaddafi may be able to cling to power.
So what next for Libya? What is the end game?
On yesterday's early WHYS Ed Teher in Tripoli said she didn't want her country turning into another Iraq. A shows that people here are concerned that is exactly what could happen.
That is also the Recep Tayyip Erdogan
This blog suggests that as a French President struggling in the polls, Nicolas Sarkozy pushed the
Qadikoy tweets
US finally withdrew from #Vietnam in 1973, humiliated & battered. But will they ever learn. #Afghanistan #Iraq # Libya
fundiwb tweets
Scramble for Africa from East & West, we now have an Iraq = Libya, We gained a new country, S. Sudan, lost Ivory Coast...
So if Libya is not to be the next Iraq, how long should the action go on?
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