The People's Protest

This week we've been working on something a little different, and we hope you enjoy it. As the Arab World convulses from a wave of protest that's now breaking over Morrocco, we decided to take a step back. It's a privilege you don't often get in the cut and thrust of live news...
For eighteen days, from the twenty fifth of January, protesters piled in to Cairo's Tahrir Square, demanding an end to president Hosni Mubarak's rule. On the eleventh of February their wish came true. Every day we got through to some of you in Egypt. You gave us your thoughts and your feelings. As a producer, you always hope to get back to the people you've spoken to. Some of the stories you hear are so powerful, it seems a pity to have to say goodbye and move on to the next caller. So we decided it was time to get back to people in Egypt, for an intimate account of the people's protest. This documentary takes a look at those eighteen breathtaking days, through the words of those we spoke to on World Have Your Say. We'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who took part in the documentary. This is a first for us, and we hope to do more of this kind of thing in the future. Here's a link for the podcast, enjoy the programme.