On air: The referee's a striker...

To which many people have, as Matthew Syed in puts it (paywall), wondered, 'how can these chaps have worked as referees for so long without realising that getting it in the neck is part of the job description?'
Do you agree that sports officials that should expect to be chastised by all concerned? Is that part of the passion and pantomine of taking part in or watching sport?
Many of you will be parents, and will know how heated things can get in kids games now. I heard one former England football international the other day saying he doesn't dare ref his 8 year old's school matches, because it's such a thankless task.
The Scottish refs say their strike is, 'a genuine call for a moment of reflection by all who love the game in Scotland and a desire to see a real and fundamental reappraisal of football's and society's relationship with its referees'.
Is that a reasonable and necessary move? Something which would be welcome in your country? Or just a big whinge from a group of men who've chosen the wrong way to spend their Saturday afternoons?