On air: Is it getting harder to be a Christian in the Middle East?

Over in Egypt the security forces are on following the threats from Al-Qaida on Monday. The militants gave Coptic Church leaders 48-hours to release two women who they said were being held in Christian monasteries in Egypt after they had converted to Islam.
So how dangerous is it to be a Christian in the Middle East?
Christian blogger Dr D says Iraq's become for Christians since the fall of Saddam Hussein:
Say what you want about Saddam but at least he protected the Christian minority. The Americans have not been able to protect them from the radicals and most believe it will only get worse as the Iraqi forces take over the task. Point is, the Christians in Iraq are feeling very insecure today with good reason and many are making plans to leave the country.
So do you feel more vulnerable as a Christian in the Middle East? Are you making plans to live somewhere else? What can be done to protect against these kinds of attacks?