Is BP being unfairly singled out?

Regret and apology don't feature in BP's report on the causes of the Deepwater Horizon spill- and that's got many of you fuming.
BP maintains that there are multiple sources at fault, whilst contractors have dismissed the report as . Here's a guide to who's being blamed.
'...BP's report is more of a PR stunt than anything else. BP's report probably won't influence the Department of Justice's potential civil and criminal charges against the company, and Transocean is conducting a separate investigation. Still, it's worth a look-it isn't easy to fill up 200 pages with excuses and deflections.'
Christopher Helman, blogging for Forbes, agrees that BP was right not to point the finger at a single source -
thinks we need to lay off BP; they've already recognised that the supply chain needs to be better managed.
'...the BP report recognises that the BP Supply Chain and B2B relationships could have been better managed. The question is whether industry in general and the offshore oil industry in particular,will put enough emphasis and resources on managing contractor relationships going forward.'
If there were several companies involved in a project, should BP be ultimately responsible? Is the finger pointing just a sign of a complex industry at ?