Is this picture "shameful" ?
This is former Israeli soldier Eden Aberjil posing in front of Palestinian prisoners. It's from her Facebook page under the heading ;
"The army: the best days of my life".
Army officials prefer to call the snaps "shameful" and say they'll investigate.
Now, Ms Aberjil isn't a serving soldier any more, and her pictures show no signs of abuse, so many people are arguing that this is a fuss about nothing.
Palestinian groups have called the images "humiliating " and revealed "the mentality of the occupier"
Twitter is alive with people angry at her photos and plenty in support too- most of them not printable here....and the woman at the centre of the story told Israeli radio today :
"I still don't understand what was wrong, It was solely to show the experience of military service,"
and she says she certainly wasn't making a politicval statement or demonstrating contempt for Palestinians.
She has since taken the her friends posted :
"You are most sexy like that " and, referring to one of the prisoners, wrote : ""I wonder if he is on Facebook?! I must tag him in the photograph."
So is this yet another web stormin a tea cup ? or does it show that something else is going on ? Is "shameful" the right word to describe the photos or simply "thoughtless" ?