On air: Should gay teenagers be able to express their sexuality at school?
"All I want is the same chance to enjoy my prom night like any other student. But my school would rather hurt all the students than treat everyone fairly". I know a lot of you have seen the story about Constance McMillen.
She's 19 and has been stopped from going to her school prom in Mississippi, USA. The reason is that she wants to go with her girlfriend, something her school was not prepared to allow.
As you can see, she's got on Facebook. Even Ellen DeGeneres .
Now while the specifics of the case are being played out in the courts, has started about of gay teenagers expressing their feelings at school.
Now just to bring you up to date with this story, the latest is the prom is off and a court has now ruled the ban violates Constance's constitutional rights.
This all came after she challenged the school's ban on same-sex prom dates. In case you're wondering, the school defended cancelling the whole thing on the grounds that the whole row had become a "distraction to the learning process".
And this isn't the first time the issues have come up. Have a look at about a row in Alabama.
So should gay teenagers be able to express their sexuality freely at school? Wherever you live, we'd like to hear from you.