I left my heart...
....in San Francisco. Great song, and now i get it. What a place, what views, smashing people. My opinions of the place are NOT in any way influenced by the excellent news that the best radio station in the City by the Bay will be adding WHYS to their roster in the new year. Some of our team went to meet them while we were there and were bowled over with the ethos of the station.
their decision is even more of an honour as - owing to a computer cock-up here at Bush House, they and KQED only managed to hear the first half of the programme. Red faces all round.
There was a moment at the othjer station we linked up with - KJZZ in Phoenix- which we can look back and laugh about now.....sort of..
we'd finished the programme and were pleased with the results. In the audience- the station's donors. During a Q and A with them, our colleague Anne is asked whether WHYS will be heard in Phoenix. She deferred to the station manager who said "only if one of our established programmes dies a slow lingering death". You have to say, credit to him, he didn't sit on the fence.
The people at KJZZ were very professional and a pleasure to work with - and i hope one day we'll be on their programme schedule for more than a day, despite the lack of encouragement !
The Saturday in San Francisco also marked the end of Anna's time with WHYS - tho' i'm delighted to say she's gone to work at 5 Live, which is a fine station (alright, i worked there for 8 years ). We have very fond memories of her year on the programme though the regular updates on how her stomach was doing - not so much.
Oh, and another thing we found out while we were away; remember the bloke who wrote the article about us in "Current" magazine ? the self-styled "Program (sic) Doctor ?".....well it turns out he is a consultant on a rival programme to ours . A fact he felt unable to mention in his piece about us.
and our dear friend Lubna has an article published in the 91Èȱ¬'s in-house news magazine. It's very good ( a double page spread) but sadly i can't link to it, so you'll just have to take my word for it...